is this a mcdojo?

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a guy i know, is a fellow MAist in TKD, i talked to him about msdojos and all. i asked what belt he was, he said blue. then i asked how long did it take, he said 2 months. so i was wondering if he went to a mcdojo. i could tell him to quit if it is
Probably, but what's their order? Some schools have blue earlier than others. Most go white, yellow, orange, etc. but blue in 2 months? That's at least 5 belts, yeah, that is probably a McDojo and they probably don't emphasize technique or other physical attributes or any other mental training other than some watered-down version of breathing control.
It might be because he came from another style similar to TKD. I went from TSD to TKD (maybe a month in between), and I made green in 6 months (white, yellow stripe, yellow, green stripe, green). I could have kept going at that rate (they wanted me to get back to blue ..... my old TSD rank), but I chose to slow down.
Blue is usually somewhere in the middle of the colored belt order in TKD, so yes, 2 months is absurd.
karatekid1975 , makes a good point however.If this person has prior MA training this could be a valid reason.
I passed my 1st. Dan test after a little more than one year of TKD practice.But this followed almost 4 yrs of Shotokan.
The belt system in my school is white, yellow, green, blue, brown, red, black. But there is two ranks/gups for each belt (twelve total gups). The "normal" speed is five to six months for each belt (not rank), two and a half to three months for each rank.


Cool. Now I don't feel like I "rushed" LOL.
In our TKD organisation in NZ it takes 4 months to get half a belt( a stripe), and if you're not ready you don't get to even test for it. But a TKD I used to do had gradings every 3 months which EVERYONE sat, and a quarter of the adults ended up getting double graded, usually the ones that would be useful as a blackbelts because they were willing to instruct. So incompetent people were just shooting through the system so that they would have more blackbelts and could open more schools (and the master gets more money). Problem was people would get to blackbelt too soon without really getting the edea of what they were doing and then quit because they thought they had reached their goal! So next grading even more people would get double graded. I just found out that at the last grading he pulled a few people up to break a board who weren't even sitting their blackbelts(because they weren't ready) and he gave blackbelts to all the people who broke boards! See why I changed organisations. I moved to ITF and I have been really impressed with their grading system which appears to promote no one(except maybe the very junior grades) who really isn't ready to train in that grade, and a set syllabus per grade for guidelines.

I totally agree with you. Which is one reason I wanted to slow down. I'm no where near "black belt" (or ready for it). I might have come from another art, but I want to feel like I "earned" and/or know I am ready for BB.

ya the school you are talking about sounds a bit like a belt factory.. but like others are saying.. he may have had previous TKD training.. BUT even if he doesn't he may not leave the school if he's getting promoted that fast.... so it might not be that easy just to tell somone to quit.. he may not feel that the dojo is a mcdojo..and could get very upsets.. (maybe even take offence that you don't think he deserves his blue belt.. just be careful on how you word it..) if this guy is a friend.. it could sour things between you two.. just my thoughts that's all...:shrug:

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