You're right, this tends to be a very emotional topic for people. It is also one in which the majority of people will not change their opinion, since it is linked heavily to their moral and ethical code. Personally, I choose to look at it objectively. So, as with everything in this board, it is nothing personal.
Yes, it can be used as an emotional appeal... except when it is proven that innocent men have been executed after the fact. If instances of wrongful execution have been proven, how many more are executed that aren't discovered? This is logic, not fallacy. If we are human and admit our own obvious imperfection, it is obvious that we must ere on the side of caution when handing out punishment to our fellow men.
Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. Finding a "non-biased" source in a subject like this is rather difficult, obviously if the opinion spread on this thread is any indication.
What I'm questioning is the validity of the proof. The investigations were done by a commissioned board, paid by a newspaper, years after the fact. And yet, the courts failed to find any of that? And then it was published ONLY in the newspaper that paid for it and an anti death penalty site? I'm not saying that it is wrong, it just sends up MANY red flags to my analytical brain.
In addition to that point, I question the "If instances of wrongful execution have been proven, how many more are executed that
aren't discovered?" extension. I don't believe that this is a logical extrapolation. They are mutually exclusive points. One case has no bearing on any other. So let's look at the numbers....
In 2006, there were 766,010 inmates in the nations prisons, up almost 20,000 from 2005. Of those, approximately 3,366 are death row inmates (not taking into account appeals and unknown circumstances.....)[] []
Therefore, 0.4% of the inmates in this nations prisons are on death row and that was with about 2 mins of internet searching. The next point would be to research how many of those have historically been actually executed.
So now, let's look at your assumption. Ho: Death row inmates are guilty Ha: Death row inmates are innocent. Now let's tie some numbers here. I admit the fallibility of the legal system. It would be folly not to. Of COURSE the legal system is fallible. MAN is fallible. There is NO WAY TO PREVENT that. So let's say that 5% of the inmates in the nations prison ARE innocent. So, there are 38301 innocent prisoners. And 169 Death row inmates who are innocent. Of those, it can be assumed that if they are TRULY innocent, half of those will get off. So 84 innocent men are executed....and that is using HUGELY inflated numbers. I do not believe that there are even close to 5% of the inmates who are innocent.
I can easily prove that the hypothesis is fails. I'm a nerd and wrote it out, but without showing you those calculations, you have no idea the numbers I used, which ties me back to my original point. With a basic knowledge of statistics, I can make the numbers say anything I want.
But that point aside, if 84 innocent men are executed over the next 30 years or so, I personally view that as acceptable losses. That sounds horribly cold and evil, but even without the death sentence, they are STILL IN JAIL FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. That changes nothing. They live life in a cell - and are the expenses of a bureaucratic system (bureaucratic has a negative connotation, but I'm using it in the organizational system sense), that is designed to protect the general public and punish the guilty.
That is true, it is difficult to find unbiased facts, because everyone has their agenda...and that is why I question every news report that fails to cite sources or presents statistics with no basis. I have DONE extensive statistical research, I know how incredibly easy it is to manipulate numbers.
You find that harsh, but you don't find your support of the death penalty harsh? I find the death penalty harsh, especially knowing how many screw ups occur in our legal system. Sometimes, we just don't have the proof to prove our innocence. Sometimes LE & legal personal screw up, or manufacture evidence. Sometimes people are blamed, or framed, for things they aren't guilty of. It happens.
So, you only find it harsh when the finger is pointed at you, right? You think that a system that occasionally murders someone that doesn't deserve it is a good system, as long as those that are obviously guilty of capital crimes are put to death? In case you were confused, I was talking about a system that murders innocent of capital crimes. You want those that you think deserve it to die, while I don't think that man should have the authority to dole that punishment so easily.
I also find the death penalty harsh. I think it is horrible that we do such a thing. I think it is terrible when innocent men die. and I don't deny that people are blamed, framed, evidence is manufactured, legal systems screw up, etc....but I don't buy how often this happens. If your world view is based only on television and movies, you probably think this happens every day. It is NOT a common occurance in my opinion. Sure, it happens, but there is no alternative. The only alternative is to scrap the entire legal system.
I also do not care if the finger is pointed at me. I feel no guilt for this. People can say that I'm to blame all they want, this does not impact me in the least. I haven't committed any crimes, and thank god, I live in a country where I am free to have my beliefs, you are free to have yours and anyone can say whatever they want about me and my beliefs....I say it is harsh because I don't see the connection. I see no logical way to link one's beliefs and a failure of a legal system that I have never been directly involved in. If I was a judge, sure. If I was a congressman, I would feel a personal responsibility. As a Civil Engineer....sorry.
On top of that, I have found in my discussions of this topic that as I stated earlier, guilt is the primary argument used against the Death Penalty. That is the logical fallacy I'm referring to. Statements that refer to these vast numbers of innocent people who are dying on death row. In 2006, 53 men were executed in this country. I would LOVE to see a Depeartment of Justice statistic regarding how many of these men were found innocent in an objective, legal setting after their death. THAT is something that would change the minds of lots of people.
The point here is that the subject must be looked at objectively, without ties to emotion and morals. I feel that those who are guilty of capitol crimes, and whose crimes fit within the criteria for a death penalty, and who have gone through an objective trial by their peers, were given the chance for appeal, and are still guilty, deserve to die. I personally feel that if you have gotten that far and are innocent....There's no way that you're completely blameless. I just can't see a situation where someone is put into the position to be blamed and then can produce NO EVIDENCE to the contrary over the course of years and many appeals.....and by juries of their peers. I have no faith in the media, so the few and far between instances of innocent men who are executed really don't bother me.
And by extension, if men do not have the authority to dole out punishment, where does this start and stop? What authority DO men have? So we can take someone's life away and keep them incarcerated, but cannot put them to death? Or is it that men do not have the right to pass judgement on each other at all? In which case we go back to the point of the general public's moral compass.....If people have internal, built in morality, then it isn't necessary. In which case, we can scrap the entire legal system and feel safe. I do not. I don't trust people at all. If you take away rules and punishments - you have chaos.
Oh well. Agree to disagree, I guess.
Exactly! This is the beauty of our country...and this forum. We are all free to have our opinions. And personally, I see this as a completely non-attributional system, i.e. an academic debate.
If there is objective information out there regarding these statistics of all the innocent men who have been executed, I would like to see them.