Bush Helps Islamic Terrorism

In (weak) defense of Prime Minister Blair, September 11, 2001 preceeded his 'chimpification' (if I can use that word).

The argument that I heard, here, is that the Prime Minister, after September 11, 2001, decided to commit 100% support the United States in all her retalitory actions against the terrorist activities. He has stood firm in that position. Unfortunately, he has ended up looking like a fool for keeping steadfast to this decision. Certainly, it is going to hurt him in the upcoming elections, don't you think? (Although I was surprised that the Austrailian Minister was re-elected).

It will be interesting, in 10 or 20 years, to read the memoir of the Prime Minister.
I think (unfortunately) that he'll get in again. He's a very, very good liar. That and the fact that the Conservatives are useless, as are the Lib Dems. I want no part of the UK anymore, standards have dropped to such low levels of mediocrity that it's noticeable. The apathy is almost tangible. I have a theory that the Illuminati are in many ways responsible for the current state of much of the world. They need to be stopped.
Angelusmortis said:
I have a theory that the Illuminati are in many ways responsible for the current state of much of the world. They need to be stopped.

Be careful with this type of stuff. Most of it is dead ends, sprinkled with just enough truth to keep it interesting. Pulp fiction.

The "Illuminati" are a literary creation in The Illuminatus Trilogy. Lots of people thing Stevens was on to something. If you read the book, you'll see that he was on a lot of LSD. Still a fun read, but, in the end, fiction.

Stuff like this is probably a Red Herring. If you want to find out what people in power are doing, look. The information is right out in the open and I find it amazing that so many have the willpower to ignore it.
From what I have read on more than one site, and in a couple of books, it's not necassarily nonsense. A group of rich, privaleged families able to influence politics, religious groups and large corporations? Doesn't sound so far fetched to me. Order of the Skull and Crossbones, Masons, "Old boy networks", that's all they are, but one's that wield a lot of power. There's at least one other who agrees with me on this site...No coincidence for me. The world is run by men in suits with clip boards and pens, and they act in their own interests, not for "Queen and country", or some other altruistic reason, but greed. That's one of the biggest problems facing the planet at the moment. Sheer greed. The information that is "right out in the open", isn't always, plus whatever is there, is what's allowed to be presented. I trust no-one in a suit, or in power, both? That's even worse.
Be careful with the Illuminati. If there spys learn that your looking for info on them, they will shoot you with their mind eraser beam that they have orbiting Mars.

But I have probably already said too much...
upnorthkyosa said:
In 1997, Unocal began to have some serious problems in Afghanistan regarding their proposed pipeline deal. Enron and Halliburton (I kid you not!) were involved in joint discussions and eventually all parties pulled out interest because of instability. By 1998, a plan surfaced that would stabilize the country. These people pressured President Clinton to send in troops. He fired the missiles at Al-Qaeda instead. Now, the neocons use this decision as a bludgeon against the Clinton Administration. "If he only would have listened to us, 911 would have never happened," William Kristol says. What they are not telling you is that the neocons were not even thinking about Al-Qaeda when they were talking invasion...It was (and still is) all about the oil and gas.

There is more too it then just the statement of principles. I gave two more sources that one can look into for more information that will flesh out the picture. "Rebuilding America's Defenses" is espeically important to read if one really wants to understand what is going on. There you can read about screwy stuff like orbiting military bases and Storm Troopers that would be space based among other things...including global tracking systems for sub-epidermal chips.


The Statement of Principles provides the real lense that our administration is viewing things. If you look at our current foriegn policy, it is clear that these are the real principles that are guiding it. And these principles are pretty much diametrically opposed to the things that the UN stands for. No wonder it needs "reform". No wonder they chose Bolton.


The War on Terror is actually the War for Oil. Here is why.

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