Fing Fang Foom
Green Belt

I know, I know...your thinking either; "Where the heck has this guy been"? or your thinking; "Who cares, who is this dork"? LOL
Well I can't believe it has been over 10 months since I have posted. Time sure flies when your life takes a turn huh?
Well for those that remember me heres the bad news and the good news:
Bad: Found out I had to retire, when financially I hadn't planned on it for another few years.
Had no idea what I was going to do for a living since I had no desire to go back to my old profession and it probably don't pay as well as I needed anyway. Lastly, I had a medical condition that I thought I was never going to get over. So, Lil' Tiger had to be pulled out of TKD classes :waah:
The Good news: Have found a new career that is very promising and will be starting it soon. My medical condition is all gone, and I feel great! (Lost 54 pounds and that helps as well lol).
Lil' Tiger (who was reduced to playing 4yr old soccer and was miserable) is happy as a clam today when we went by our old dojang and signed her up to start lessons again starting tuesday!!
Glad to be back, as you all know I love to blah blah blah and tell you all how Lil' Tiger is doing (Rather you want to hear about it or not)

So look out world, LT (and her crazy dad FFF) is back :headbangin: