Hello Forum posters my old friends... I've come to speak with you again....

Fing Fang Foom

Green Belt

I know, I know...your thinking either; "Where the heck has this guy been"? or your thinking; "Who cares, who is this dork"? LOL

Well I can't believe it has been over 10 months since I have posted. Time sure flies when your life takes a turn huh?

Well for those that remember me heres the bad news and the good news:

Bad: Found out I had to retire, when financially I hadn't planned on it for another few years.
Had no idea what I was going to do for a living since I had no desire to go back to my old profession and it probably don't pay as well as I needed anyway. Lastly, I had a medical condition that I thought I was never going to get over. So, Lil' Tiger had to be pulled out of TKD classes :waah:

The Good news: Have found a new career that is very promising and will be starting it soon. My medical condition is all gone, and I feel great! (Lost 54 pounds and that helps as well lol).
Lil' Tiger (who was reduced to playing 4yr old soccer and was miserable) is happy as a clam today when we went by our old dojang and signed her up to start lessons again starting tuesday!!

Glad to be back, as you all know I love to blah blah blah and tell you all how Lil' Tiger is doing (Rather you want to hear about it or not) :kiss:

So look out world, LT (and her crazy dad FFF) is back :headbangin:
Welcome back Fing Fang Foom! Quite a journey you've been on, glad it seems to be coming around in your favor!
Welcome back FFF, can't wait to hear all about LT. Life is good, enjoy............
I am too new to MT to have known you before. But I look forward to seeing posts from you and sharing interests in MA.

Glad you life seems to have turned around for you.
Thanks all, for the warm welcome back. I felt bad for leaving so suddenly but I was very depressed LOL

I did keep getting emails from the site saying; "We miss you...etc", I think those are automatically generated when you go 'Poof' for a while.

Tomorrow is LT's 1st time back at the Dojang for almost a year!!!! (She is oblivious to that fact, but I am super excited hahahaha). I hope she don't revert back to her old ways... mmmmmmm, I think I will be happy with her as long as she; #1 pays fairly good attention, #2 is having fun, and #3 learns to break 5 boards with her left pinky LOL.....(just kidding about the having fun part):wink2::ultracool:uhyeah:

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