The BEST thing about MA class? Why?


Senior Master
What would it be? For me it would be the other people I'm involved with through the classes. From my Sensei, right on down to the newest white belt. The are truely a fantistic group of people and I am proud to be associated with them. The classes are always so upbeat and you can see that everyone who walks through the door is happy to be there.

If I had to pick the best of the best it would have to be the Sensei (kind of difficult to call him that during class after calling him brother the past 38 years, but he has earned the title, and I use it with respect.) As soon as he starts to even talk about the art, he gets this huge smile and radiates his love for the art to everybody around him. That is so infectious, any bad that has happened during the day is forgotten, and training is a GOOD place to be. I have seen a class that everyone was having difficulty with a technique and fustration levels were starting to mount, and he stopped class to tell a great joke he had heard. Then after a good chuckle, and everybodies mind was off the problem for a second, he addressed how a slight change in movement could do wonders for "getting" the technique. Class attitude was back on the positive and fustrations were gone. Not only a great depth of technical knowledge, but also a great depth of people skills.

That is my "best" for MA classes, well, that and there are some smokin' women in class. :ultracool LOL
The best things would be the the fun, the challenge, the health benefits and the people. I can't say which is the best thing, they are all important to me.
I love the teaching aspect of MA class. I really enjoy seeing the look in a students eyes when something clicks or they formulate an answer to their own question (based on the training I have given them). It when that student test for a new belt rank, that look is even better.
The best things about MA for me have been the discipline it instilled in me & the unbelieveable friendships I've made in 24 years of training. If I hadn't started in high school, I doubt I'd have done well in college or gone to grad school. I've made so many friends that I've had for decades that I still would trust with my life today. I came back to traditional MA in September 2005 after years in boxing & kickboxing. What drew me back is a Okinawan Karate 7th Dan who told me, "You've been doin' this a long time. You don't know me well, but you're my brother just the same."

No matter what rank, or style, we all share in this family of MA.
by favorite part of MA class is the people i train with. the cameraderie and feeling of family.

sometimes that feeling is due to a sense of shared duress because we're all suffering, sweating and begging for the sweet release of death. but that's part of the fun, too...
For me its how the training is corporated into all aspects of my life: The hard physical workouts, the friends made, the lessons learned and applying them to everything else that i do. Making a difference in the lives of others through teaching.
For me, the best thing has to have been learning (and continuing to relearn) that I can do things I never thought I could.
Hello,Some of the best things...
Ever year our Professor introduce new programs/techniques or fighting drills and new skills to learn. Even breathing excercises.

The friendships you make in class will last forever...even when they leave to other parts of the world and return just to say "hello". Especially when you have train together for a long time.

When you get a chance to start teaching? ....This is very enjoyable to share your knowledge with the students. It gives a sense of knowing you are helping others to become better than they were before.

Helping other achieve there goals.(being a teacher) of the many "best" things about the martial arts.

For many of us (another best thing)...the people/students become family to you..including the parents of many of the kids. Watching them fast our lives move.........Aloha
Sounds like just about everybody feels the same. It is no suprise to me that the feeling of "family" is one of the greatest things found in the MA's. I think it is somewhat nice that so far nobody has said that the "fighting" side of the arts is the best. That is an indication to me of the level of maturity on this site. I have no doubt that if the same question was posted on other MA forums, there would be at least a couple of the answers would have centered on that side of it. (My opinion only!)

To clarify a bit though, when I said that it is hard to call my instructor "Sensei" after calling him brother for 38 years, is literal! He is my biological brother, and that makes it even more special in my book. We started at the same time in this art, but due to marriage, kids, & starting a family; I had to stop for a while and he continued on. Well now here we are and my "Little Brother" is teaching my family. This is a family affair in my family; Me, my wife, 2 of our boys (the other 2 are still too young), my Brother, and his son all train together. :supcool: :-partyon:
My favourite part of class...the stress relief, and like everyone else (almost) has said, the sense of family. When things get rough at home, or at school, I know I can show up at the club, get a really good workout, without hurting anyone or myself. And there are always people there to pick you up and make you keep going when you stop believing in yourself, or get frustrated. That's what I think makes it all worth it...
bushidomartialarts said:
by favorite part of MA class is the people i train with. the cameraderie and feeling of family.

sometimes that feeling is due to a sense of shared duress because we're all suffering, sweating and begging for the sweet release of death. but that's part of the fun, too...

This is a good thread. I am a bit frustrated with my school's politics. But this thread makes me look at the positive for a moment. And bushido took my answer LOL.
There are a number of things that would fall into the 'best' category for me. I've had the chance to meet a number of people who have not only taught me, but have also become very close friends. I enjoy the workouts, teaching others, the physical and mental aspect of the arts, as well as learning as much as I can, and constantly being challenged with new things presented to me during a class.
