Why would you

Carol, to the teens I teach you're undoubtedly ancient, but for myself, I'd just like to be able to remember being your age. :lol2: Just kidding. Gimme a high-five :high5:

:highfive: w00t!!!

Hey man, if you remembered your 30s you weren't really there, right? Sounds like ya done good. :D :D

Seriously here's a funny story ( :confused: ). Today after my teen MA class, one of the senior students was telling me some of the younger guys were claiming that our art wouldn't really work on the street. The storyteller asked them, But haven't you seen (referring to me) move? Their reply: Yeah, but he's like Jackie Chan! :lfao: When I came home and told my wife, I think she injured herself falling hysterically to the floor. Had she been able to talk, I believe she would have said: Sure, if you mean a fat, worn out 56 year old version! :ubercool: Seriously, it's funny...isn't it?

ROFLMAO! That's classic!
Tez, sorry, but I gotta go w/Kidswarrior on this. I instruct TKD and I'm going to be 60 in exactly two weeks, and I know from other posts of yours that I'm much the better part of a decade older than you. So this is one you don't get to win, LOL!

I too must agree with these two sorry Tez
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-Jonathan Randall
-MT Senior Moderator-
I too must agree with these two sorry Tez

Will gladly accept defeat on this one! Am feeling a bit disillusioned at the moment lol! Actually I'm wavering on giving up martial arts but no doubt a few more days back on MT will talk me out of it! The reasons are pretty much as the original poster was saying about the club and instructor he was looking at. So many people go on appearances, oh they're old, over weight, they're female etc that it does get to you in the end!
I do know an instructor who states that a 'pot belly' isn't what it seems, it's where the 'chi' resides. That's why Buddha is always shown as being round bellied!
I do know an instructor who states that a 'pot belly' isn't what it seems, it's where the 'chi' resides. That's why Buddha is always shown as being round bellied!

Yep. A Samurai would take pride in having a big strong Ki belly too
I will tell you all pretty simply that one of the greatest martial artists I have ever met had a belly for most of his adult life. Yet he had people traveling all over the place to get a chance to train with him.
There have been more than one individual like this. Truthfully it does not matter one iota what is really important is that people should be looking to see if you can teach and if those that you are teaching are benefiting from it. The eye after all is not how well you can perform but how well you can teach. That is after all what qualifies a great teacher!
Will gladly accept defeat on this one! Am feeling a bit disillusioned at the moment lol! Actually I'm wavering on giving up martial arts but no doubt a few more days back on MT will talk me out of it!

Tez, what are you saying??? Why would you give up MAs just because....

The reasons are pretty much as the original poster was saying about the club and instructor he was looking at. So many people go on appearances, oh they're old, over weight, they're female etc that it does get to you in the end!

... so many people have dumb ideas?? I mean, look, you know that most people have no clue about many things beyond the most shallow level, the one corresponding to the `obviousness' of the earth being flat and the sun going around it. Things almost never really work that way, but for much of the world, maybe most, that level of thinking is all you need to get by, so... but you're not going allow the ignorance of the yobs in the MA world to defeat you, are you??? Of course not!!!
Tez, sorry, but I gotta go w/Kidswarrior on this. I instruct TKD and I'm going to be 60 in exactly two weeks, and I know from other posts of yours that I'm much the better part of a decade older than you. So this is one you don't get to win, LOL!

Thanks for the supprt, Brother Exile. We gotta stay on top of this stuff. :ultracool
Thanks for the supprt, Brother Exile. We gotta stay on top of this stuff. :ultracool

We do! All these brash kids trying to hustle us into rocking chairs on porches... have to keep reminding them that—how does it go?—age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill... so then, consider what age and treachery and also skill will do!! :EG:
We do! All these brash kids trying to hustle us into rocking chairs on porches... have to keep reminding them that—how does it go?—age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill... so then, consider what age and treachery and also skill will do!! :EG:

Will gladly accept defeat on this one! Am feeling a bit disillusioned at the moment lol! Actually I'm wavering on giving up martial arts but no doubt a few more days back on MT will talk me out of it! The reasons are pretty much as the original poster was saying about the club and instructor he was looking at. So many people go on appearances, oh they're old, over weight, they're female etc that it does get to you in the end!
I do know an instructor who states that a 'pot belly' isn't what it seems, it's where the 'chi' resides. That's why Buddha is always shown as being round bellied!

Hey Tez,
Life happens, we change and grow--and watch others who just don't get it. But like the old saying goes, What other people think of me is none of my concern. Do MA for you; five years from now, think how much progress you'll have made--and where will those naysayers be? Long gone.

And by the way, five years from now we'll be five years older, whether we do MA or not. So may as well continue MA! It'll be a lot better five years. :boing2:

Best, ~kidswarrior