The Arts i plan on mastering / What is Mastering really mean?

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Unfortunately, I can tell you that most 16-year olds think that they're "more grown up" and special.

If you're saying experience and age doesn't make people wiser over time, then you're very wrong.
This is backtracking a bit, but I wanted to get some facts back from JK since he's back online.

About your Eskrimador...

This is what I asked:

What style of Eskrima does your "master" classmate practice? By calling himself a master, he must have some creds, what are they?

This is what JK answered:

The guy who gos to my gym knows 4 styles of escrima and has been doing it a LONG time.

What styles?
What is a LONG time in standard time measurement units (years, months, etc)?
Who did he learn from?

martialartist said about you:

I find it funny that you point things out but never back them up.

Responding to these questions is practice in backing up what you say. What I'm doing is verifying your sources. If you don't know, that's fine, just say so, but I'm curious about this "master". I get a feeling you may be avoiding answering those questions.

Let me give you an example of why I want to know. I used to work with a guy who said he had 3 black belts in different arts. One time I convinced him to train with me outside of work and I found out that his skills were nowhere near black belt status in any of the arts he talked about. Eventually he got honest with me and it turned out that his training was minimal, just a few lessons in each art and that he read alot of MA magazines. I've come across quite a few people like that over time. They can talk the talk and they can walk a little of the walk. But mostly they're just full of brag-adocious.

There are a lot of charlatans out there in FMA. And they make the arts look bad. Anybody can say they know something and this is a chance for you to find out if this "master" of yours is really what he says. So how about it? Got any answers?
Originally posted by Judo-kid
It seems alot of what you are saying is closed minded and your deafeting yourself befor you start. You know there are some good sayings you should take into good consideration, Like if you never try you will never win.

Just popping in here... I remember reading someone quote Remy Presas say: "If you train very hard you will be very good" Isn't that enough for anyone?
Originally posted by Pyros
Just popping in here... I remember reading someone quote Remy Presas say: "If you train very hard you will be very good" Isn't that enough for anyone?

Not really, because if you train very hard in a wrong or useless way you are doing what my teacher calls “stupid sweat” (i.e.wasting your time).

Which is why I rarely, if ever, get too excited when people tell me they have trained XX amount of years. Maybe they are good, maybe they suckÂ…Â…Â…I canÂ’t tell unless I see it firsthand.
Okay, maybe my point wasn't so much the hard working part but being very good. I would be content with being very good sometime.
Originally posted by Pyros
Okay, maybe my point wasn't so much the hard working part but being very good. I would be content with being very good sometime.

Basically you will get from training what you put into it.

You will fight the way you train.....If you train smart you will fight smart.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Basically you will get from training what you put into it.

You will fight the way you train.....If you train smart you will fight smart.

So the druken style says....
Or the monkey style...

Sorry, couldn't help myself.....;)

KennethKu said: "A dozen bottles of cheap beer can bring you to Zen". Ken, quickly(!)....what brand? It might be what Dillman is drinking!:)

On the subject of Mastery: I believe Master Po once told Grasshopper "Chasing two rabbits catches......nothing!". They were sitting at a large table, in the Shaolin monastery, at about dinner time. All the monks were eating carrots and complaining that Grasshopper did not properly attempt to capture "main course".:) Capture "main course" Judo Kid! Then hunt for "next meal".:)

That white belt guy
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Lol i ment write at the end of that last paragraph.

I might go see your school some time for the fun of it (just dont come running at me with a kendo stick or anything LOL.)

Who was this in reply to?
Originally posted by Judo-kid
To martial artist,

I dont feel like brawling with you on-line today, What i post is my oppenion added with facts.

Alot of your stuff is the same way, You can nether prove it nor disprove it.

You allso dont have to space every sentance apart

This far.

Dosnt make you look any smarter.

Now you say have you been in the real world. Yes and i know people fail at gaining a million Dollars $$ but some people do it, They try and try and try and guess what people do make a million dollars. If you were not so pessimistic you might be able to see what i am talking about.

I will say it again, Judo Kid you should invest more time in learning how to spell and form sentences. You make it very hard for anyone to take you seriously when you write like an 8 yr. old.
Thank you to those who wrote kindly regarding my skills[?] in karate.
I have to say though that I only appear 'masterly' to those who don't know any better.
Inside my head I'm still struggling just as much as any other 16 year old.
Unfortunatly the young can never be convinced of the older persons view of things, because they ALWAYS feel that what they feel is unique. It's only later we find out this is not so.
I know I was once 16, but how many 16 year olds know their ging to reach my age?
As for Qi /Chi /Ki call it what you will, it's there all right, I know because I've felt the effects of it. I have to say though[as with a lot of things in the martial arts] there are a lot of people who say they understand it, but clearly don't. We're lucky to have some of the first kind on here.

Regards to all,
You know, so far since I've been reading these passages and man there were a lot of them. Maybe I missed this part but has anyone asked you yet judo-kid on what you plan on doing after your body can't take the abuse of no holds barred competition? If your in training now and have been for some time do you plan on attending college somehow? If you want to become a NHB fight that's fine someone has to do it but after your ride is over and the body can't continue any longer what skills will you have? I'm not trying to pick a fight with you here but you have your whole life ahead and I'm curious as to how you plan to start your beginning after the NHB ends.
You mean the millions and millions of bucks he'll be earning from product endorsements, and all those championships won't be enough to sustain him through his old age after he's 35?

Man... thats gonna suck.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
You mean the millions and millions of bucks he'll be earning from product endorsements, and all those championships won't be enough to sustain him through his old age after he's 35?

Man... thats gonna suck.

But that's only if he makes it to the top 1% of the money earners. Which is like for or 5 guys out of the tens of thousands out there who all want the same thing.
Many things could happen along the way too. He could get injured before he even gets there, the whole NHB thingy could dry up and blow away just like the Ninja Craze in the 1980Â’s, his manager could screw him out of everything he earns like what happens to many boxers.
When you wake up from this dream let me know how it ended.

I have an 18 year old nephew that is also into this NHB stuff and is a damn good wrestler on the school team as well.
He talks this same kind of smack and yet he still canÂ’t beat meÂ…Â…his over the hill uncle.
How he is going to beat someone half my age is beyond me.
I am still waiting for his answer about coming down to Puyallup to hang out with the Yiliquan people... :D I think he may get an interesting education on what "traditional" martial arts are like in their orientation toward training, as well as getting an idea of what flavor qi gives to your techniques.

Saturdays, 0900, Puyallup. Email me at if you are interested (that goes for anyone in this area!).

Originally posted by Judo-kid
Again i am sick of people using my age against me , LAMO. Kennethuku you say hes just a 16 year old Har Har Har. Great way to prove your point sounds kind of dump coming from someone older who should be able to come up with somthing better then he is 16. When will people learn age isnt a great agument we are all diffrent i am not like any other 16 year old we are all very diffrent i can tell you that with all out honesty. Your Old and Confused retire. Lol see what i mean sounds lamo when someone trys to make a age comparesent to the way you talk or right.

Does age matter?

I guess so since we have age limits for getting a drivers license, drinking, voting, marriage and so. Why do we have age limitsÂ…Â…Â…because it is felt that people of a certain age lack the common sense, good judgment, maturity and responsibility to make good proper decisions.
Err stop with the age stuff please. Its Getting real old and proves nothing.
One more thing i just want to do one real ufc fight on Pay per veiw. I am going to college (UDUB) Hopefully. Yes you make a good point about my grammer and spelling. Trust me i am working on that and soon you will see improvements.
I am going to work on computers and open a martial art school in my spair time. I will show ufc skills and it should be intresting.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Err stop with the age stuff please. Its Getting real old and proves nothing.

“age stuff”…….”getting old”…….Hey, that’s pretty funny.
I am done talking about this, Think what you want. Most of the MMA community thinks you guys are nuts anyways. You are starting to make me think they are right about you guys and i am wasteing my time posting here since you guys are so one sided. I have the ability if someone makes a point to under stand why they say what they are saying. But i never say anything prejutice about anyone. Like using age, Sex, race etc to prove my points go ahead laugh. I am sick of this go ahead call me a dumb kid or some stupid mma. I am tired of this crap, Later.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Â…Â… You are starting to make me think they are right about you guys and i am wasteing my time posting here since you guys are so one sided.

Easy cure for that………..swing on by Yiliquan1’s dojo and give him a lesson and prove to all of us that you are the “real deal” instead of just some teenager that hides behind his keyboard and talks smack.
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