The Arts i plan on mastering / What is Mastering really mean?

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Originally posted by Judo-kid
I am done talking about this, Think what you want. Most of the MMA community thinks you guys are nuts anyways. You are starting to make me think they are right about you guys and i am wasteing my time posting here since you guys are so one sided. I have the ability if someone makes a point to under stand why they say what they are saying. But i never say anything prejutice about anyone. Like using age, Sex, race etc to prove my points go ahead laugh. I am sick of this go ahead call me a dumb kid or some stupid mma. I am tired of this crap, Later.
Actually, most of the MMA community respects its roots.

A lot of MMAists think the idea of meditation and such is useless but they don't forget the aspect of your mind. They just do what they want in different ways.

What you are proving is that MMAists have their share of ignorant people. Some MMAists even say that they say Bruce Lee was crap. Well, last time I heard, people like Shamrock credit Bruce for making MMA mainstream. He also called him "advanced and quicker for pretty much anyone to handle". Advanced as in he came up with techniques as it went, he did techniques he never learned formally but formed instinctively just by learning some principles like if your arm is hyperextended, it hurts.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
To martial artist,

I dont feel like brawling with you on-line today, What i post is my oppenion added with facts.

Alot of your stuff is the same way, You can nether prove it nor disprove it.

You allso dont have to space every sentance apart

This far.

Dosnt make you look any smarter.

Now you say have you been in the real world. Yes and i know people fail at gaining a million Dollars $$ but some people do it, They try and try and try and guess what people do make a million dollars. If you were not so pessimistic you might be able to see what i am talking about.
Yeah, LOL! Especially when you are PROVEN WRONG that you have no idea what you're talking about including saying "TKD, no matter in what form, has grappling" and yes, you did say that. You even said that here I believe.

Spaces? You mean lines. And it makes for easier reading and makes jumbled sentences easier.

Get out in the real world kid. Some people make a million dollars only by working a few hours a week, while others spend 60 hours a week and rarely take in 60K.

So, what you're saying is that if you work hard enough, you can get into the NFL? Sorry, but there are MILLIONS of people who train 12 hours a day, go to every camp, etc. and still can't make it into the NFL.

Or, people dedicated their lives to finding a cure for the common cold.

Instead of viewing it pessimisticly, I view it as realistic.

If I work hard enough, I can write symphonies that will go down in history like Mozart's. Right. I can try to write one hell of a song, but not even close to Mozart's. That is something we call God-given ability. You can't change it. What you can change is to maximize your potential and that is what everyone here is doing.

But I find you foolish and stupid if you do something like give up your studies and train full-time for the NFL.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Again i am sick of people using my age against me , LAMO. Kennethuku you say hes just a 16 year old Har Har Har. Great way to prove your point sounds kind of dump coming from someone older who should be able to come up with somthing better then he is 16. When will people learn age isnt a great agument we are all diffrent i am not like any other 16 year old we are all very diffrent i can tell you that with all out honesty. Your Old and Confused retire. Lol see what i mean sounds lamo when someone trys to make a age comparesent to the way you talk or right.
16 doesn't matter. The point is you're acting like a typical 16 year old. There is a 15 year old here who has more wisdom than you, and we can tell that he has knowledge beyond his years.

Also, his spelling isn't that of a 5th grader.
Originally posted by Astra
Unfortunately, I can tell you that most 16-year olds think that they're "more grown up" and special.

If you're saying experience and age doesn't make people wiser over time, then you're very wrong.
Statistics also prove it.

What is the accident rate for teens? They make up the smallest group of drivers, yet they have 200% or more accidents than everyone else.

It may have to do with INEXPERIENCE maybe. Not having enough skill. What also plays a big role is teen ego.
Originally posted by bart
This is backtracking a bit, but I wanted to get some facts back from JK since he's back online.

About your Eskrimador...

This is what I asked:

This is what JK answered:

What styles?
What is a LONG time in standard time measurement units (years, months, etc)?
Who did he learn from?

martialartist said about you:

Responding to these questions is practice in backing up what you say. What I'm doing is verifying your sources. If you don't know, that's fine, just say so, but I'm curious about this "master". I get a feeling you may be avoiding answering those questions.

Let me give you an example of why I want to know. I used to work with a guy who said he had 3 black belts in different arts. One time I convinced him to train with me outside of work and I found out that his skills were nowhere near black belt status in any of the arts he talked about. Eventually he got honest with me and it turned out that his training was minimal, just a few lessons in each art and that he read alot of MA magazines. I've come across quite a few people like that over time. They can talk the talk and they can walk a little of the walk. But mostly they're just full of brag-adocious.

There are a lot of charlatans out there in FMA. And they make the arts look bad. Anybody can say they know something and this is a chance for you to find out if this "master" of yours is really what he says. So how about it? Got any answers?
For the person who can minimize feeling pain? What exactly are you looking for? and video clips. He does wacky stuff like put needles in. Of course, the TV show exaggerated and nonesense everything talking about "mystical spirit called chi" or something like that or "he didn't bleed because he thought about it!"

Or the documentary on the History Channel or something on an Okinawan who did not feel pain (or did not react to the pain) when kicked in the groin.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I am thinking 'Ed Gruberman'.....

"Come, students, and close the circle at the feet of the MASTER"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now that I have gotten that out of my system...

Judo-kid, seriously, come see what we do in Puyallup. I do really understand where you are coming from, but there are things that I don't think you have had the opportunity to be exposed to - one of those things is how an authentic, traditional art is practiced and taught. I'm not trying to convert you, nor challenge you. I am only trying to broaden your experience base and horizons so you can better judge what you do in the future. From what I have seen thusfar in the SeaTac area (from Lakewood all the way up to Seattle), there are very, very few good MA schools... The bulk of the "traditional" ones are complete crap. There are a few commercial schools that are good (there is a really good Isshin-ryu school down Puyallup way), but the simple fact is that the really good ones are all closed-door schools and are hard to find. SMR Jo (Lynnwood). Pentjak Silat (Seattle). Yiliquan (Puyallup).

Email me if you are serious about expanding your horizons. If you want to hold tight to your preconceptions and predjudices rather than open your mind like a MMAist is supposed to be inclined to do, don't.

Originally posted by Pyros
Just popping in here... I remember reading someone quote Remy Presas say: "If you train very hard you will be very good" Isn't that enough for anyone?
If you train in the MA to have more stamina, you will get it if you work hard.

If you train for sport, you will improve and do well

But it is an entirely different thing to say you want to master an art. Meaning, you know every move and know how to apply each and every one of them, and can flow from one thing to the next, have nothing to improve on, etc., nonetheless multiple arts.

It's like saying a 3'3" person with webbed hands wants to be the starting center for the LA Lakers. A 3'3" person will not be in the NBA, no matter how hard he tries. A 3'3" person will do very well in collegiate wrestling though if he works hard at it. But still, nobody will not master anything.

And judo-kid, your arguments on conotation and denotation is useless, you are fighting a losing battle.
I have a good friend who is dyslexic. Can't write to save his life. A whiz at electronics. Owns his own electronics firm in Chicago. Doing well.

MMA came from traditional martial arts. GOOD traditional martial arts with SOUND principals. Not McDojang. Sounds like a seasoned practicioner from such a school is willing to help with whatever pointers might be needed. In a constructive manner, yet.

Judo Kid, look at the size of the string you started. Good job. You really can get the ball rolling with debate. Switch to Decaf. and go into sales or marketing after college. How is it you hammered on people and are now getting offered legitimate lessons in an interesting art form from a total stranger? Something interesting happened on this string for sure.

white belt
Judo-kid lists the following arts as the ones he practices:

Judo/Jujutsu (green belt) , JKD, Muay Thai kickboxing and western Boxing.

While Judo is a relative traditional art, it is my understanding that Judo-kid's coach is something of a non-traditional maverick (the whole bowing thing; Judo-kid's comments). So I kind of discount his judo training as having been done "traditionally." It is also my understanding from news clips regarding the whole bowing incident that Judo-kid's coach is well skilled and knowledgeable, so I'm not knocking his training quality.

Muay Thai, while "traditional" in a certain sense, is a combative sport (as is judo) moreso than a "combat" oriented martial art. Not knocking the nastiness of either the training or the effectiveness of Thai kicks, just making an overall point that the training is oriented not on killing/disabling the opponent, but fighting within certain rules limitations.

JKD is fine as a theory that guides training, but as a "style" fof fighting it goes against everything that Brucie intended it to be.

Western boxing is much like Muay Thai in the sense that it is a combative sport with very specific rules. Not going to go toe to toe with Mike Tyson anytime soon to disprove its effectiveness, however.

So everything that Judo-kid has studied up til now has been either sport oriented or non-traditional. He has no experience whatsoever with actual traditional training (at least none that he has listed, and I refuse to accept watching a class or hearing from another person as legitimate sources of info, since I won't allow myself that luxury).

I'm just offering Judo-kid the option of expanding his experience and knowledge base. He either takes me up on the offer and benefits, refuses because he is locked into his mindset, or refuses because he is afraid his world will be turned upside down.

I'm not challenging him (c'mon, he's half my age - a kid still - how "cool" would that be? :confused: ), just making an offer and an observation. Personally, I don't think he'll take me up on it. I don't mean that in an inflammatory way, just that as an opinionated teen I believe he will think he already knows enough about "traditional" training that he doesn't need some old fogey (old - I'm all of 34) to prove to him that he is right. I remember being 16, and I remember how opinionated I was and how I thought every other school and style was inferior to Yiliquan. I am older and wiser (yeah, right :D ) now, and I know better.

That email again is

All I know is Saturday is just around the corner which means Judo-Kid could be going to Yiliquan1Â’s dojo.
Do you think itÂ’s too late to get that televised on pay-per-view?


Not to scare you off or anything but Yiliquan1 is in the Military and even though he has a desk job now he used to be in the 82nd/101st (sorry can’t remember) Airborne and served as a Sniper. Airborne is not usually noted for letting in “girl scouts” or people of weak fortitude so you can imagine Yiliquan1 is no wuss.
How is your health insurance by the way. ;)

Just kidding. I doubt Yiliquan1 will “do you ugly” as he is a really nice guy, but you will learn a great deal about what is and is not “old style” martial arts. I would go if I were you.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1 .......Muay Thai, while "traditional" in a certain sense, is a combative sport (as is judo) moreso than a "combat" oriented martial art. Not knocking the nastiness of either the training or the effectiveness of Thai kicks, just making an overall point that the training is oriented not on killing/disabling the opponent, but fighting within certain rules limitations.....

Be discrete when you are referring to a 16 yr Thai kid training in MT. :) He probably has 7 years of training and dozens of ring fight in him already.
LOL, or 3-4 classes (if that) in a MT gym that isn't that great. There is 1 good Muay Thai gym in this state, and it's nowhere near him. The only other one thats ok is closer to him, but still not very close. It doesn't really teach MT, but rather JKD'ed MT that's basically watered down MT that really only focuses on the basic boxing punches, the roundhouse, and the shin block. If he's taking his lessons there, he's got a LONG way to go before he can step into a real gym. Not knocking him, but if you're going to be doing pure MT, you have to do it from a good gym, not an Inosanto lineage school (for the most part).

Yili, would I be welcome to come visit the school as well? I'm quite interested in seeing your art, as I've never experienced it first hand or even first person. Sounds interesting. :)
Sorry i really have to up date my profile.
I take MT, Judo, Jujutsu, Boxing, Wrestling freestyle, and escrima.
I dont take JKD only did that a few months then i wanted to work more on my MT / Boxing after that.
Hey Yiliquan1 Ill stop by with a friend, But would you like to spar if i do? (light sparing what ever) I dont want to drive over there for nothing. I will send you a email on the date once i get a opening. I have the next few weekends booked because of martial arts and friends. Contests are happening right now also have to prepair my self for the judo high school state championship i wanna get first. But after that sure why not, I have nothing to fear but fear it self and as long as your not really just plotting to shoot me when i get there its cool.
Be nice...

JK, let us know how things go. All kidding aside. :asian:

If I was closer to Washington, I'd stop in to at least watch. Heh, best thing about MT is I have invites to train all over the, step 1 win lotto...step 2, get over aversion of flying, step 3, train! :D
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Hey Yiliquan1 Ill stop by with a friend,
I have nothing to fear but fear it self and as long as your not really just plotting to shoot me when i get there its cool.

LOL :rofl: :rofl:
Don't worry J-kid, I'm sure Yiliquan will keep his firearms locked up in a safe place. Isn't that right Yiliquan??? :D:

:2pistols: HEY! put those weapons away mister!!
I think Judo-Kid knows I was just funin' with him.
Seriously though. Yiliquan is a nice guy and you should have a good training session.
Judo-kid -

You have my email (several times :D ). Let me know when you want to come up. Bring whomever you like. Sparring? We don't spar. If you want to play a little grab-*** tag, seeing who can tap whom more times than the other with techniques that contain little in the way of intent or danger, then sure. If you want to test your skills against mine (or anybody else's for that matter) then that is another deal entirely. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that is how it is in our group... We don't free spar. We run drills, one, two and three step sparring, to develop reactions, footwork, etc. We develop our timing, distance, striking angles, etc., based on the above mentioned drills that come, primarily, from in depth study of our forms.

Bottom line, what is the purpose of "sparring?" Sparring is a training tool for sporting competition situations - where rules exist, techniques are limited, and there is little danger of a "real" attack (i.e. with intent to injure as opposed to intent to touch).

Believe me, the entire purpose for your attending our training is not so I can "convert" you to traditional styles, just for you to see how a traditional style is trained - no frills, no flowers, no silk and lace, no BS. Just solid hits, solid stances, come to Jesus joint locks and lots and lots of pain... :D

Angus -

Come on down! Anyone and everyone is welcome. We have nothing to hide and welcome anybody that is interested in seeing what we do. Maybe you can give me some insight into how to get to Woodinville, seeing as how I have to go up there to visit the SMR Jo dojo for an interview with the head instructor (for admission to his training group).

As for RyuShiKan's comments about my military service... I was never in an Airborne unit, though I did go to the school (for what little that is worth). I am a former Infantryman :2pistols:, former Cavalry Scout (and Scout Drill Sergeant) :snipe:, but due to career choices and Army caused injuries (gotta love herniated discs!!!), I now ride a desk with the Army JAG Corps. Yee Ha!


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