I am learning esrima once a week for a hour or so at my gym.
First things first: You will
not master Eskrima by training once a week for an hour or so. You'll have to train more and you'll need more than just one person to partner with.
guy who gos to my gym knows 4 styles of escrima...
But he has trained in 4 styles of escrima...
I forgot to get all the details about what styles he knows etc but i will for you if you want...
Next, it really is important to know the styles. Different styles require different things to be a master. Some styles say you have to be at least 50. Other styles require that you have a certain set of skills and have exercised them. Other styles require participation in competition.
Knowing the style is very important. Yes, I want you to find out. You should find out and know for your own sake so that when you "master" the styles you'll know what you're a "master" of.
He learned from a man that learned right from the GM of Escrima he has been doing it for over 20 years
Next, there is no one grandmaster of all Eskrima. Some styles even have more than one grandmaster. Four different styles implies training under at least a few different people, although it's very likely that this guy's teacher has studied more than one style, it's not equally likely that they were mastered. Even so, I wouldn't be surprised if your Eskrimador may be very skilled or even a master. I think it behooves you to check this out too.
but i have a master of Escrima that gos to my judo school
Also in the FMA at least, if somebody hangs the shingle out then they shouldn't be afraid to have their name out in the community, especially if they refer to themselves as a
master. I would like to know his name, but I don't have a need to know his name. I'll leave that up to you to disclose. However, I do want to know:
Who your Eskrimador learned from?
Who is
"the GM of Escrima" that your Eskrimador is referring too? This would be the guy who taught your teacher.
And again you should want to know this stuff too as someone who is trying to "master" and art. This is a hole in credibility. Many teachers would be offended if their students didn't want to
mention them and give them credit. Not proclaiming your lineage is suspect. Also, in the FMA at least it's generally frowned upon to not know what it is that you're learning. You may be a newbie, but you should at least know the name of the style, or styles in your case, that you study.
Like i said befor i am a newbie at Escrima but i pick stuff up pritty fast.
Basic Eskrima is initially learned very quickly, but all of the advanced skills and subtleties like most other arts take time and practice to learn. Some eskrima skills require development of muscles that are normally unused or weak. Deep callousing is also necessary to do some of the drills that build skills. There should also be more involved than stickfighting, like some empty
hands or stick and dagger. That takes practice, much more practice than can fit in one hour a week if you're looking to master it.
posted by martialartist
I don't think judo-kid lied about anything.
Now maybe lying was too strong a word. How about exaggerating? Although still dishonest, it does contain some modicum of truth. I think that maybe is more accurate a description of what I'm feeling about JK's statement. He may of course have been mislead by this
Eskrima Master.
We'll have to see from his answers...
Also only reason i didnt post about this sooner is because i forgot.
...if he doesn't forget