Thanks Kung Fu Wang for "Leg wrap video"


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
@Kung Fu Wang
Thanks for the videos that you shared where you wrap your leg around the opponent's leg.

I started to explore the technique and have had good success with it.
I was surprised at just how strong that technique is.
@Kung Fu Wang
Thanks for the videos that you shared where you wrap your leg around the opponent's leg.

I started to explore the technique and have had good success with it.
I was surprised at just how strong that technique is.
That was my teacher's best technique. When he did on me, I could feel his whole-body weight was sitting on my upper leg.

It's a good set up for many other skills such as:

- leg lift,
- leg spring,
- inner foot sweep,
- shin bite,
- leg block,
- outer leg twist.
- front cut.

In this video, he used it nicely at 1.00 - 1.03.

Another night of working against Muay Thai Clinches and trying to use Shuai Jiao. Decoded some more Jow Ga. Feeling the bruises.
Another night of working against Muay Thai Clinches and trying to use Shuai Jiao.
Have you tried to use head lock to counter "double neck tie"? You can lock both of his arms around his own head and he cannot see. It's not a good feeling on the receiving side.

Also, when your opponent tries to knee your chest, you can catch his kneeing leg and "inner hook" his standing leg.

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Have you tried to use head lock to counter "double neck tie"? You can lock both of his arms around his own head and he cannot see. It's not a good feeling on the receiving side.

Not yet. That will be my 3rd practice. So far I've only worked on prevent clinch and allow one arm to clinch and then counter when he tries to get the second clinch in place. Maybe I'll go against the full clinch in 2 weeks.
So far I've only worked on prevent clinch ...
If you always move your arms the same direction as your opponent's arms is moving, he will never be able to obtain any clinch on you.

For example, if you raise your arm straight up, your opponent will not be able to obtain an under hook on you.

Instead of working on defense, I will suggest working on offense instead. Shuai Chiao is an offense art. It's never a defense art. The best attitude should be:

If you

- kick me, I get you in knee seize (or head lock).
- punch me, I get you in knee seize (or head lock).
- do nothing, I still get you in knee seize (or head lock).

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If you always move your arms the same direction as your opponent's arms is moving, he will never be able to obtain any clinch on you.

For example, if you raise your arm straight up, your opponent will not be able to obtain an under hook on you.

Instead of working on defense, I will suggest working on offense instead. Shuai Chiao is an offense art. It's never a defense art. The best attitude should be:

If you

- kick me, I get you in knee seize (or head lock).
- punch me, I get you in knee seize (or head lock).
- do nothing, I still get you in knee seize (or head lock).

Thanks I'll give it a try.