The scientific method is demonstrably the best way to attempt to understand the universe and nearly everything in it.
This is key. Science doesn't explain as much as it makes models-those models are subject to constant revision with deeper understanding. There are things, though, that science has difficulty modeling, or for which the models are completely inadequate, for the time being....."God" is one of them. Religion also has little to no place "explaining the universe," or even making models for reality-only models for behavior.
I can pick just ONE realm of science and its accomplishments, just in the last 5 years, far surpass ALL of the accomplishments of pretty much ALL religions.
This is a remarkable exaggeration-science takes baby steps, no matter the realm. Occasional leaps take place, and the value of its "accomplishments" is relative.
"Five years"-even the last five-usually aren't really very much in science and technology. For example, the Laserdisc debuted in 1976, the compact disc was developed from it around 1979, and the technology made its commercial debut in 1982-83. The CD-ROM didn't come until around 1985, and we didn't have a recordable CD format for data until 1990. That's 15 years or so from Laserdisc to CDR-even more to CDRW. That's just one realm of science. In that time, religions have saved people from starvation, drug addictions, homelessness and despair. They have also been the cause of a great deal of abuse and misery-just as science and technology have.
The scientific method can offer little in a realm where there is no empirical, measurable or observable evidence-this is usually the case with what individuals might call religious phenomena. Such events are experiential-ya gotta be there: they
usually can't be reproduced, and there usually isn't much in the way of empirical or measurable evidence in their aftermath. Once they take place, though, there isn't much need for the individual who has experienced them to bother trying to
explain them-they are self explanatory and inexplicable, self-evident and unseen. As technology and science continue to progress-
if they continue to progress-a scientifc explanation for such things,and ways of gathering observable, measurable, reproducable empirical evidence may become possible. In the meantime, people have their own ideas, which most accept on faith, and no need of scientific explanations-or their own experience beyond mundane ritual.