THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images)

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can be

political idealogy can, if taken too far, be just like a religion in its ability to generate fanaticism

Okay. I'm starting to get a little confused. Fanatics are people who "base thier political decisions on religion" but now you're saying that political ideology can be inherently religious. While that makes it pretty easy to call any liberal you'd like to a fanatic, it's a definition that would also include just about everyone on this forum.

Hey. Did you read the article I posted? I'm still interested in what you think. You said it was boring. Can you be more specific? Do you disagree with the points the author made?
you are not paying attention

I said religion CAN, not does (as in it WILL, sure thing, no doubt)

political thoughts can, when taken to extreems, be LIKE a religion, in that it can breed fanaticism

no WILL, just CAN

anything, when taken too far, CAN breed fanaticism, but it isnt gauranteed

Okay. I'm starting to get a little confused. Fanatics are people who "base thier political decisions on religion" but now you're saying that political ideology can be inherently religious. While that makes it pretty easy to call any liberal you'd like to a fanatic, it's a definition that would also include just about everyone on this forum.

Hey. Did you read the article I posted? I'm still interested in what you think. You said it was boring. Can you be more specific? Do you disagree with the points the author made?

By so doing, we can take away the terrorists' most omnipresent weapon: exaggerated fear...............

no, it is far more potent to actually kill people than just scare them. Only the living are afraid

If, God forbid, anthrax or truck bombs kill a thousand Americans, we will all recoil in horror. Small comfort, perhaps, but the odds are 284,000 to one that you won't be among them.


this is nothig more than an attempt to reassure people it wont happen to them. But it can,and people SHOULD be aware of that. Sure, it is all true, but that doesnt change anything

it is just one more time of people telling me i shouldnt feel what i feel

its annoying and tired.

No. I'm paying very close attention and trying desperately to understand you.

You said liberalism is a religion. I asked about conservatism and you said, "can be." But that doesn't follow. If liberalism is a religion, then it follows that you would also believe conservatism to be a religion.

Previously, you linked religion to fanaticism. You've alleged that there are several people on this board who are liberal fanatics. You've also claimed to have identified some conservative fanatics, although no one here meets your criteria. I've asked a couple times now for you to speak plainly and explain what you mean, but you've been evasive.

Can you describe a fanatic? So far, you've tied it to religion. You mention "other things" but didn't explain what that means. You also lumped liberalism, socialism and global warming in under the "religion" banner.

So, can you name a conservative fanatic?

Also, hey. About that article. Did you read it?
let me be MORE clear

religion, liberalism, conservatism, atheism, all of these things CAN produce fanaticism if taken too far.

ANYTHING, if taken too far, can produce fanatics

a famous conservative thats a fanatic, IMO?? Pat Robertson
oh, i am not being "evasive" I am just not spelling out my words for you, so you are getting lost

really my fault for not being as clear as you clearly need me to be
oh, i am not being "evasive" I am just not spelling out my words for you, so you are getting lost

really my fault for not being as clear as you clearly need me to be
If you're interested in being understood, then yes. It's your fault. Particularly since the questions I'm asking are very direct. Personally, if asked a direct question, I try to respond in kind.

I can't speak for anyone else, but you've gone in so many circles I'm dizzy trying to keep up.
let me be MORE clear

religion, liberalism, conservatism, atheism, all of these things CAN produce fanaticism if taken too far.

ANYTHING, if taken too far, can produce fanatics

a famous conservative thats a fanatic, IMO?? Pat Robertson
Can you explain to me what you mean by "too far?" That's really vague. What are some ways that Pat Robertson took his conservatism too far?
if you dont have the ability to know what "if taken too far" means, i cant help you, i suspect tho, that you know full well what i mean, you are just being a putz.

so, since i am now bored, and not that interesting in playing your games, please learn to read english:

anything belief system, political or religious, if taken too far, can produce fanatics

if you cant understand that..................
500 years ago....*yawn*
Well, yeah. That was 500 or so years ago.
But Christian extremists are still active, still inflicting mass murder, rape and whatnot.
We went over that already though.
The key word is extremists.
You deal with them. You work to minimize their effect, their ability to recruit, their ability to spread. Sometimes with candy. Sometimes with 2 shots and a splash.

But, threads like this one, based on misinformation, only help their cause of spreading the fear. It makes them look bigger than they are. Makes them more powerful.

I don't like to give them that kind of power.
if you dont have the ability to know what "if taken too far" means, i cant help you, i suspect tho, that you know full well what i mean, you are just being a putz.

so, since i am now bored, and not that interesting in playing your games, please learn to read english:

anything belief system, political or religious, if taken too far, can produce fanatics

if you cant understand that..................
I know what "taken too far" means to me. But I'm also pretty sure that it's not the same as it means to you. These aren't difficult questions, but you're sure acting like they are. And it's a lack of specificity that leads to misunderstanding.

For example, "if you can't understand that......................" What's the ".........................?" Would you please post a complete sentence? What are you trying to say?

Or how about the yes or no question I've asked several times. Have you really read the article I posted?

And a simple follow up: What specifically was in the article that you disagreed with?

I'm sure you have a reason for appearing to be so intentionally vague. If it were anyone else, I'd be inclined to believe that you're being so vague and evasive because you really haven't thought things through. But, as you said, it's really just because you're bored.
more like religion can create fanaticism, other things too, but nothing works quite as well as religion

also, athieism is a religion, so is global warming, socialism, and liberalism.


Atheism is NOT a religion. Common misconception.

Remember? We went through this earlier in the week.
it's a belief system, based on a lack of belief rather than the alternative, but it is a belief system non the less.
Steve, last post to you:

i posted a reply, you just either missed it or you dont want to consider it a response, and i said that while the BS psycho babble article you posted was essentially correct, i found it boring. Like this game you are trying to play.

and I am being pretty clear, i was just trying to be nice, and keep myself out of trouble with the mods, I am pretty sure a bright boy like you can figure it out.
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