THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images)

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Actually, I think this part of the story is the important part...

More than than 4000 people from police and teachers to monks and children have been killed in the past 7 years by Muslims in southern Thailand

Can't we all just get along...
Actually, I think this part of the story is the important part...

More than than 4000 people from police and teachers to monks and children have been killed in the past 7 years by Muslims in southern Thailand

Can't we all just get along...
Ok, that's an important fact.
That's an average of 572/yr from Islamic terrorists.

Lets add perspective.

2004 numbers are what I could find.
in 2004, in Thailand, there were 504 thousand deaths.
in 2004, injuries accounted for 57,366 out of the 504,000 deaths.
Chance of dying in Thailand, from a terrorist attack: .11%. has more information
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio 0.673846154 Deaths per act
[70th of 162] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities 438
[16th of 161] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities (per capita) 6.777 per 1 million people
[39th of 161] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences 650
[10th of 165] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences (per capita) 101.268 per 10 million people
[29th of 164] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Injuries 957
[22nd of 164] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Injuries (per capita) 14.807 per 1 million people
[34th of 164] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities 305
[13th of 110] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities (per capita) 4,719.054 per 1 billion people
[20th of 110] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences 619
[5th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences (per capita) 9.577 per 1 million people
[14th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries 905
[15th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries (per capita) 14.002 per 1 million people
[19th of 112]

Compared to the US
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio 5.888686131 Deaths per act
[8th of 162] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities 3,227
[2nd of 161] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities (per capita) 10.813 per 1 million people
[23rd of 161] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences 548
[14th of 165] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences (per capita) 18.53 per 10 million people
[94th of 164] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Injuries 4,165
[7th of 164] Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Injuries (per capita) 13.956 per 1 million people
[37th of 164] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities 2,990
[2nd of 110] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities (per capita) 10,018.623 per 1 billion people
[10th of 110] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences 98
[20th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences (per capita) 0.328 per 1 million people
[75th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries 2,386
[5th of 112] Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries (per capita) 7.995 per 1 million people
[27th of 112] Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks 2,902
[1st of 41] Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks (per capita) 98.129 per 10 million people
[2nd of 41]

Put another way:
Another viewpoint, considering only road accidents:

  • On January 2, on Thailand roads, there were 509 vehicle accidents resulting in 56 people killed and 576 injured.
  • On December 31, in the one-day bombing, there were 8 bombs resulting in 3 people killed and 40 injured.
What are the traffic death and injury statistics for today in your city, state/province, and nation? Are you afraid to go out and enjoy life as a result?
Again, the above stats are for just one day. There were bombs on just one day. There are traffic accidents every day.
The deaths of Elvis Gordon, a great Judoka and Sir Henry Cooper are great losses and cyclist Wouter Weylandt was a favourite of mine, I'd seen the crash as I was watching the Giro D'Italia live.

Our martial arts club has close ties to Thailand, we are sponsored by Fairtex, my instructor goes out there at least a couple of times a year, we send students out to train there, my daughter spent February and March there travelling around the country plus two of our students' mother is Thai. The Muslim 'problem' isn't nearly as great as some are making it out to be, it's really a civil war anyway. No denying there is conflict in the south which is actually well reported here as well as the demonstrations in Bangkok and at the airport. Thailand is ruled by a military dictatorship so demonstrators who want democracy and those who disagree with the government are going to be prevalant, there are different ways of protesting, some prefer violence to peaceful protest sadly. As has been said elsewhre violence begets violence, the military is very heavy handed in South Thailand which doesn't help a situation that is already unstable.

In this country for what ever reason we have had a spate of parents killing their own children, sometimes they killed themselves sometimes not. Recently a woman was sent to prison for stabbing to death her three young children. Horrible and tragic but nothing to do with Muslim terrorists. I'd say the terrorists have already won if they can induce this sort of panic, despondancy and talk among people.

As Bob has said the main cause of 'non natural' deaths in Thailand is RTAs, many are foreigners using scooters or motor bikes. Thailand's road safety record is appalling.
True what you said about Americans, Bob. Recetly i went to get a pic for my passport. At the time, i happened to be wearing a shirt that said american eagle on it. I love the shirt but was avised to take it off because someone might think i was an american and beat me up or something while traveling in some foreign country.
you're denial of the problem is getting downright aggressive.

exactly WHY do you fight so hard to deny the threat of radical islam?

you are pretty grounded, and pretty smart for a yankee, lol

but when the subject of radical islam comes up, you ALWAYS jump through your *** to downplay the threat. i seriously dont understand. You go out of your way to try and prove how safe the world is from Radical Islam.

When it isnt. Anyone can look at the trends. It isnt about AQ, it is world wide, groups of muslims, unconnected except by religion, and the same things are happening everywhere islam is.

conversion by force

intimidation by murder

terror attacks

suicide bombings

Thailand, India, London, the WHOLE middle east, the Phillipines, HERE

a CAREER ARMY OFFICER and islam corrupted him

American citizens, law abiding thier whole lives, and Islam can turn them into murderers.

And even though it isnt very many, or very often, it is getting more and more common every year. I mean, we would actually be remiss if we didnt admitt that the problem is getting worse

and sure, right now we can afford to soak up the occasional mass killing, or shooting spree.

But what happens when one of them gets a nuke?

they will be arguing trying to decide if they will destroy israel or an american city. Which do you think it will be Bob? israel or one of our port cities?
It smacks of people running around like headless chickens shouting 'don't panic'!
There is a threat, a rather large one,so remain alert and carry on as normal. If you don't the terrorists have won. A good many countries have lived with terrorism threats and acts for decades and they know the best way to fight it is good intel, good security forces, keeping a cool head and carrying on as normal. The terrorists want you panicking, want you to change your lifestyle and want you running scared, so far they are winning.
Why? Because you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
You are blowing the risk and threat out of all proportion.
You have no sense of perspective.

The US, in 10 years has lost about 4,000 civilians, on US soil, to terrorists.
In that same 10 years we lost 1,591 LEO's. About 90 of those were related to the 9/11 attacks and resulting injuries or illness associated with them. 5.7%
Mexico, by comparison has lost over 32,000 people to cartel violence since 2006. They've lost about the same number of cops in 5 years that we did in 10.
That violence is threatening to wash over our Southern Border.

The Border that Obama, and Napolitano say is "more secure than ever".
Napolitano of course is the person who continues to insist that the TSA is operating properly, every time they put their hands down your pants and fondle your baby girl. She also says that homegrown terrorism is growing. Now, is a person who says it's ok to molest you and who continues to ignore a real security hole, a reliable source?

It's perspective. I'm looking at the big picture, at a large amount of data, and I am not seeing the need to panic you are.

Terrorism is on the DECREASE globally. What you are seeing is the growing pains of a movement in the direction you want. The extremist portion is growing apart from the core of their societies, is as a result becoming more desperate in their measures. In the US we are not under 24 hr paranoia. Car bombs and suicide bombers are not showing up at Starbucks. Israel where suicide bombers were common place a few years ago has been pretty peaceful. The UK which saw large amounts of terror attacks in the 70's and 80's, is pretty peaceful too. We arent under martial law. We aren't seeing things blowing up daily, we aren't hearing about mass poisonings. No one has yet serrin gassed our subways (happened in Japan some years back).

What do I see as my immediate threats?
1- drivers. I rarely fail to see stupid and careless or aggressive drivers almost or actually cause accidents, weekly. Remember, I live in Buffalo, which is a dirt road compared to the I35 between Dallas and Austin.

2- crime. Home invasions are on the rise.

3- assault. most likely related to #2.

So, in the 'whats Bob worried about' list, getting in a car accident tops the list. Getting jumped while walking about, a close second.

I'm not worried about getting raped or murdered. I'm not worried about my house burning down (which folks in TX and CA worry more about), or it being washed away (coastal towns during hurricane season, anyone along the Mississippi this week). Not worried about earthquakes even though I live on a fault line (CA is more at risk).
And I'm not worried about terrorism even though I live in the state that lost the most people and took the biggest economic hit.

If I was planning a trip to do a hiking tour of India, trust me, I'd be a whole lot more concerned.

As to who a terrorist would money is on NYC or a coastal city in Israel.
well Tez, you have to make SOME changes.

but yeah, in general, sure. Carry on, but be mindfull of the threat.
Mindful. As in 'aware'. As in 'pay attention to whats around you dumbass, oh yeah and pick your feet up so you don't trip'.
I pay attention. This is why my back hurts...picking up all the pocket change folks over look.
But John, you and Bill, couple others, you guys are honestly coming across at times like uber-paranoid types. Almost stereotypical in nature.


Be aware of your surroundings. Be mindful of that which surrounds you. Do not let your fear control you. Do not let your anger guide you. In short:
The world *is* in danger from radical Islamists.
The world's Muslims are to the largest extent *not* radical Islamists.

These two statements seem to confuse many people.

While many on MT Study forum (and lots of other places) seem to give lip-service to the notion that 'not all Muslims are bad', they also seem rather fixated on ONLY paying attention to what the few who are bad are up to. Ignoring any and all other threats to our nation, with the possible exception of occasionally making a run at all the bad illegal immigrants.

As I have said before, this in my opinion is an unhealthy obsession at best. At worst, it's indicative of pure hatred and bigotry. Some here have said - and I believe it was Twin Fist - that even though they accept that not all Muslims are bad, they "don't trust one of them." That's entirely your right, but it does reveal a mindset that is skewed, and even you accept that it's skewed. Forgive me if you're not the one who said that, but I thought you were. Correct me if I'm wrong.

When there are three incidents involving threats to airplanes on the same week in the USA, but certain people are ONLY interested in posting about the one that involved a Muslim, even changing the thread of the OP to reflect the "Muslim one" since the original thread turned out NOT to be about Muslims, and this thread - again with the Muslim beheadings - except it turned out the beheadings were NOT done by Muslims, but by a drug-crazed father of the children. BUT IT DOES NOT MATTER because we're back on how terrible the Muslims are again.


I'm sorry if that's a problem for you. The obsession is annoying and becoming a problem for me. People with hate-based obsessions frighten me; they're irrational and dangerous. Muslim terrorists and non-Muslim Muslim-haters alike.
Here's an article written in December 2001.

[FONT=arial,helvetica]The moral: It's perfectly normal to fear purposeful violence from those who hate us. But with our emotions now calming a bit, perhaps it's time to check our fears against facts. "It's time to get back to life," said terror-victim widow Lisa Beamer before boarding the same flight her husband had taken on September 11. To be prudent is to be mindful of the realities of how humans die. By so doing, we can take away the terrorists' most omnipresent weapon: exaggerated fear.[/FONT]

We take risks every day. This article was written just a few months after 9/11, and a decade later, it's only more apropos.
I am not panicked, I am just willing to admit the truth

there are people out there that want to kill us, each and every one of us, and they will do anything to achieve that goal.

they are fanatics and they cannot be reasoned with.

may not be many of them, and if the numbers are right, less and less every year, and with OBL dead, maybe that will take some of the wind out of thier sails.

we can hope, but we owe it to each other to be mindfull and carefull in the meantime.

big difference between panicked and aware
I am not panicked, I am just willing to admit the truth

there are people out there that want to kill us, each and every one of us, and they will do anything to achieve that goal.

they are fanatics and they cannot be reasoned with.

may not be many of them, and if the numbers are right, less and less every year, and with OBL dead, maybe that will take some of the wind out of thier sails.

we can hope, but we owe it to each other to be mindfull and carefull in the meantime.

big difference between panicked and aware
Do you consider yourself to be a fanatic?
How big a danger do you see?
Compared to getting hit by a bus, mugged by a thug, or a parking ticket from a cop?
one nice thing about texas, and a small town, there are no buses, not many thugs, and not many muslims.

parking enforcement however is a nightmare.....

besides, i can handle a mugger, and I can choose to not park illegally. Hell, i can pay attention to where i am walking.

I cant control how much some religious nutbar is willing to do to killa few infidels.
it was boring
Which parts? Can you be more specific? Do you disagree with the points made? If so, which ones?

Are any of the people you'd consider to be fanatics on these boards conservative? Are all of them people you'd characterize as being progressive/liberal/leftist?
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