THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images)

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None of it's acceptable in my opinion.
I don't weigh it out.

Also, only 1 muslim attack in the US killed thousands.
Most muslim attacks, in fact most terrorist attacks kill single to low double digits.
The worst attack in 100 years on US soil was 9/11/01.
#2? Oklahoma City. (White Guy, NYer in fact)

I did a quick google search. Found a few links. If I dig, I'll find more. I can pull up case after case after case, going back before 9/11. There are assaults, murders, etc.
It's there. It's not new. It's just being fanned by those who choose to not see it, who want to somehow excuse it or justify it.
Bill, who is suggesting letting up on them? Who is downplaying the threat?

you for one....
Let me put it another way.

How many innocent Muslims must face harassment, discrimination, assault would you consider an acceptable number?
i would like to see zero myself

What is your or Johns solution to this "Muslim Problem" you keep going on about?

Should we outlaw the religion?
Require they were special uniforms or badges?
Put them in camps?

Because all I've seen is "worry, panic, be afraid".
I've yet to see anyone come up with a realistic solution to the 'problem'.

there is only one answer other than "worry, panic, be afraid". The problem is, that answer is horrible. No, not to kill every muslim, (tho that WOULD work, it cannot be considered, it is simply too severe), but rather to kill every single imam that spouts the wahabbist radical call to arms.

if, as some claim, it is just the priests that create the fanatics, then killing those particular priests should solve the problem, shouldnt it?

edited to add, it would be nice tho, to see the people walk away from the wahabbist and the radicals. But lets be honest, compared to other religions it sure seems like muslims take thier religion pretty damned seriously.
How many Muslims do you encounter on a regular basis? Just curious.

I counted 4 at the supermarket last night, 12 at the mall, and shop regularly at a local store that caters to the asian/arab market. (best veggie and spice prices in town IMO). (numbers based on counting ninjas and associated family looking types)

Then not collecting baseball cards is a 'hobby', and not smoking is a 'habit'

that was a really stupid thing to say

atheism is a belief, it is a belief that there is nothing

theism is a belief, that there IS someone

collecting cards is an action
not collecting cards is not an action

believing in god is an action
believing there is no god is an action

your example fails

now, there is no "all", there are always exceptions so the words "can" "sometimes" and "could" should be understood to be included.
atheism CAN be a believe system, or not
religion can be a belief system, or not (for some it is simply a part of thier culture, but without real faith)
How many Muslims do you encounter on a regular basis? Just curious.

I counted 4 at the supermarket last night, 12 at the mall, and shop regularly at a local store that caters to the asian/arab market. (best veggie and spice prices in town IMO). (numbers based on counting ninjas and associated family looking types)

did you ask if they were muslim? cuz if you were judging based on looks, thats profiling and stereotyping.......

there are a few families here in this tiny town i live in, and I have no problem with them at all. They are all very friendly, very pro-america, at least outwardly.

so they get the benefit of the doubt from me. But i never forget who I am dealing with.
ok, in fairness, they might have been a bunch of ninjas out for the evening.
There are two muslim schools right near my home. I see the kids in the small store I frequent all the time. There is a strong muslim community right where I live, so I don't have a problem with muslims, just radical muslim terrorists who kill innocent men women and children who belong to all faiths, islam, bhudism, christian, jewish, Jains, Bahai, you name it. I want the innocent protected, the guilty stopped and hopefully punished.
There are two muslim schools right near my home. I see the kids in the small store I frequent all the time. There is a strong muslim community right where I live, so I don't have a problem with muslims, just radical muslim terrorists who kill innocent men women and children who belong to all faiths, islam, bhudism, christian, jewish, Jains, Bahai, you name it. I want the innocent protected, the guilty stopped and hopefully punished.

But to be innocent in Bill's eyes one has to be right wing, left wing and you're on your own.
There are also people who are attacked because of the color shirt they choose to wear that day, or because of their weight...all of it is wrong, but trying to pigeonhole peoples beliefs about the "issues of religious extremism" into some sort of "you encourage violence against Muslims" is either a diversion or a load of hyperbole IMO.
That Bob, is culturally insensitive.
What? Seems that women in head to toe eyes only visible outfits are either traditional muslims, or ninjas. Unless there's another group that wears such outfits?

Like guys in really loud and garrish outfits, are either Golfers, Pimps or Tourists in Hawaii.

I didn't have time to worry about any possible plans to blow me up though. I was too busy talking to one nice lady about spices.

I'll try and be properly terrified and concerned next time.
Sorry Tez, but once again you are incorrect. I just don't believe that the left should have much if any power when it comes to the government. I think their policies are wrong, and I will vote against them every chance I get. As an American conservative, I believe that everyone, even lefty's, are entitled to the God given rights and protections outlined in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and the Bill of rights.
Sorry Tez, but once again you are incorrect. I just don't believe that the left should have much if any power when it comes to the government. I think their policies are wrong, and I will vote against them every chance I get. As an American conservative, I believe that everyone, even lefty's, are entitled to the God given rights and protections outlined in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and the Bill of rights.

The problem is that you don't actually know who the left are! And that is why you and your ilk will end up if allowed, to put in a fascist government to rule over America. I trust however in the better judgement of more sensible Americans than you.
Fascists are lefty's Tez, I'm trying to keep them out of power with my vote. Fascists do not believe in personal liberty, the constitution, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, the rule of law or democracy.

The inability to see the contradiction is, entertainingly humorous.
No wonder I look forward to the eventual over throw of the government by aliens.
Fascists are lefty's Tez, I'm trying to keep them out of power with my vote. Fascists do not believe in personal liberty, the constitution, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, the rule of law or democracy.

That's complete bollocks. It's deeply amusing to see you clinging to the raft of incomprehension on the sea of misinformation clutching your book of 'Why lefties are bad people'. Keep thinking that and when the real fascists, the extreme right, come for you at four in the morning the rest of us will turn over in bed and ignore your cries of 'I thought you were lefties'.
All I am saying is that our ideas of morality and ethics are all part of the evolution of the human brain. No supernatural magic explanation needed.
Without diving into a discussion of the "supernatural", most of our ethics suggest an analysis beyond simple evolutionary reasoning. Many altruistic acts make no sense from an individual or species-wide evolutionary standpoint. Neither does allowing Down Syndrome fetuses to carry to term.

Law/morality/ethical systems......are all things that need to be discussed by rational leaders using human reason and such. No Old Testament or Dianetics needed.
Credit where credit it due. Studying law/morality/ethics without reading the Old Testament, Baghavad Gita, Quran, Torah (etc) is like studying physics without reading about geocentric universe theories. Even where it's not true, it's worth understanding for context.

There is value in both camps. Seriously, dude. You sound as fundamentalist and closed-minded about this as the Bible-thumpers you're objecting to.
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