Terry Shiavo and the Sanctity of Life...

Still waiting on that little thing called EVIDENCE that Michael Schiavo had done anything wrong.

One of the things I despise about the scuzzy likes of Michael Savage is that they have made it legitimate for conservatives and right-wingers and white guys in general to adopt, without reservation, a claim that they are the persecuted minority--and that they can say anything they feel about anybody who disagrees with them, because they just KNOW that them lefties and libbies and lezzies are thinking the same things about them.

Still waiting on that little detail called EVIDENCE.
While I know some of you maybe be happy, know this. No matter how much you think Terry wanted to die, there was no real proof at all that she wanted to die.
Except for the husbands word. Which obviously you don't believe him, but since he was the one leagally responsible, it doesn't really matter what you or anybody else believes now does it.

Still waiting on that little thing called EVIDENCE that Michael Schiavo had done anything wrong.
He shouldn't have to prove that he didn't do anything wrong. Someone else shoudl have to prove that he DID do something wrong. He doesn't have to prove anything.
Rest in peace, Terri. :asian: Your influence has been strongly felt. Although the controversy and rancor weren't necessary, all of this caused the world to consider the issues related to death and brought them out into the open for discussion. Terri, thank you.


- Ceicei
Now the autopsy will begin soon. Will that resolve the all final questions that remain about her condition or will there still be arguments about what could have/what should have been done?

Maybe it is a foolish hope that people will be able to accept the answers and move on for the better.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
Now the autopsy will begin soon. Will that resolve the all final questions that remain about her condition or will there still be arguments about what could have/what should have been done?

Maybe it is a foolish hope that people will be able to accept the answers and move on for the better.

- Ceicei
Except that after the autopsy, will follow the cremation. (I've heard from the news) So, what I predict will happen, is there will be controversy over the autospy report, wild claims that it wasn't done properly, or correctly, or was "bought" or some garbage, and the "media circus" can continue.

Very sad.

Taken from this article...

The president, for one, said "millions of Americans are saddened" by Schiavo's death. “The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak,” he added. “In cases where there are serious doubts and questions, the presumption should be in favor of life."

Boldface emphasis mine.

This is so glaringly hypocritical, I can hardly find words to describe it. We, as a nation, need to start holding our politicians more accountable for the things they say. That quotation is nothing but a political circus act and has very little to do with reality.
Ceicei said:
Now the autopsy will begin soon. Will that resolve the all final questions that remain about her condition or will there still be arguments about what could have/what should have been done?

Maybe it is a foolish hope that people will be able to accept the answers and move on for the better.

- Ceicei
My understanding is that the autopsy won't end or answer all the questions. It will show how extensive the brain damage is, but it won't end the questions cause there is no clear line that after point X the person is in a persistant vegitative state.
Maybe this topic was spoken about earlier in the post, if so, forgive my tardiness, but there is something that keeps sticking out in my mind. Feelings aside, someone was allowed to be starved and dehydrated to death, slowly, over two weeks. This from the same society that made a big deal over Iraqi prisoners being naked. We don't starve theses al queda pukes to death, or mass murderes, rapists etc.. and lord knows, when compared with Terri, they deserve that, not Terri.
I don't really agree with the method used, as I'm sure some form of euthanasia would have been much more "humane".

As had been said by others, and I'm sure will be said again, is that this is no business of anyone's but the immediate families. I do feel bad for the husband and parents, as losing anyone close is painful, but this political grandstanding B.S. was (pardon my french) stupid. Just let the poor woman have some peace. I think she's suffered enough for 10 lifetimes...
Ceicei said:
Rest in peace, Terri. :asian: Your influence has been strongly felt. Although the controversy and rancor weren't necessary, all of this caused the world to consider the issues related to death and brought them out into the open for discussion. Terri, thank you.
- Ceicei
GOOD points!!!
Thanks for pointing them out to us.

Your Brother
The parents are of course questioning the validity of the autopsy. It's all a conspiracy. I imagine it's only a matter of time before they present their own doctors that what to perform the autopsy again.
Floating Egg said:
The parents are of course questioning the validity of the autopsy. It's all a conspiracy. I imagine it's only a matter of time before they present their own doctors that what to perform the autopsy again.
Not real sure how that will happen, as she was cremated after the autopsy.

It's sad to see people continue to argue after what they believe to be true was proven false.
Not real sure how that will happen, as she was cremated after the autopsy.

It's sad to see people continue to argue after what they believe to be true was proven false.
I didn't know that she was cremated. The parents have been foiled again! :D