In my school, I start each class with a bow. I think this is normal. However, I think my twist on it is a little deeper. When we bow, I believe that I am the only one that actuallyt lowers my head and lets my eyes go to the floor. In doing this, i am showing complete trust to my students. I also bow deeper than they do, in this I am showing respect for them continuously being there and gratitude. Yes, i show them gratitude. If it were not for them, I would have no dojo and would not be doing what I love to do and what i have dreamed of doing sonce I was 12. If someone refuses to bow, that is fine, IF they can find another way to show respect, humility and affection to everyone else there. On that I am firm. I display American flags on the OUTSIDE of my dojo. On the inside, the only thing I have that is even shaped like a flag is the banner with Kenpo Fists on it. I make my students open and close the class and count in Japanese, for a very simple reason. I learned a long time ago that counting in another language, like tying on a belt helps them shift their mindset and focus on Martial Arts, not their personal problems. Like the story about the guy that leaves his problem on a tree in his yard every night before he goes into hishouse and picks them up in the morning on his way out.