ching wu kung fu


White Belt
Hey folks, my ame is mexi, and im from ireland and travelling the world teaching and learning ching wu. im looking for some clubs in the following countries and any help would be appreicates the language bariers cantonese and mandarine change how it looks,
ching wu
jing wu
jing woo.

new zealand
western canada,
nova scotia,

im studying 15 yrs doing ching wu, jeet kune do, kickboxing, mugendo, some judo, kenpo, boxing and a few other styles

the ching wu involves chin na, san na- (this is ching wu only and i doubt ull find it in any other arts), san shou toulu.
id love to hear from some clubs and visit some on my travels
Nice to meet you Mexi. I'm CuongNhuka, aka John. I live in Nebraska (middle of U.S.). If you pass by, I think my Sensei my would enjoy the meeting. And how about a little more on Ching Wu and San Na?
sanna is a full contact fight traditionally with no armour but in recent yrs with society developing and too many heavy injuries we brought body armour in, headguard with metal face guard shin and instep pads and fingerless gloves.
its really close with a lot of chin na grappling sweeps throws elbows knees, pretty much everything goes but no kicks to the front of the knee, the groin or when ure opponent is turned. the ring is traditionally done on a raised platform with no ropes 12ft diameter circle if you have ever seen the film fearless Huo Yuanjia created it by bringing all the wu shu styles together to share there knowledge and create a better and more developed style. some masters got greedy and learned and would not teach thats why its a very quiet and closed style. i have a lot more information on it.
but remember this you will very rarely learn everything ure master teaches you so and you should always try to improve one that you know well. sometimes tradition can hold you back.
ching wu manchester was the first to take control of the thai boxing circuit in the 80's with master harry beating a lot of the fighters, he was ranked number 2 in the top world kung fu fighters and number 7 in the worlds best fighters according to the states. He was a european champion british and U.K champion as far as i know it was in the thai and kickboxing circits they send the number 5 fighter over to test him for a tournament and he beat him to a pulp in the circuit. he was only to fight don the dragon wilson from l.a but sometimes faith prevents fights and the fight never went ahead. Master harry is a big fan of don and im hoping to stop by L.A for an autograph for him and myself. ching wu was one of the first arts to fight what is now known as MMA. anyway im rushing ill explain more another time

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