Tensho kata (internal form?)

Not internal, but it could be. Frankly I think Wing Chun Siu Lum Tao, done right, is very internal, why not this. When I use to do it I did it more like a Qigong

1) internal, external does not really matter, train right, internal goes to external and external goes to internal

2) Power comes from the root (feet) is directed by the waist and, in this case, goes to your hands. Use the entire body (feel every movement it in your entire body) and how they parts link together, upper and lower must be unified

3) breath, no pattern, just breath naturally

4) Yi, Qi, Li (Mind [Yi] controls Energy (Qi), Energy (Qi) controls muscle [Li])

5) Qi, it is nothing more than the energy that we have in our body that keeps us moving. It is not some mystical force or magical energy. Strong Qi you are healthy, Weak Qi you are sick, No Qi you are dead.

6) Sung - relaxed but not to relaxed, never hard

Wow, thanks so much Xue that was incredibly helpful!! Will work to maybe focus on each point you made at a time.

Everything you said clicked with me. Especially liked the upper and lower being unified, feeling every movement in your entire body, not forcing breath at certain times per se, but keeping it natural, and be relaxed but not too relaxed...

Thanks a bunch :)
Did some training tonight at home, and have made it a practice to finish with Tensho, recently with the lights off and eyes closed!

Tonight it actually felt really different performing it, eyes were closed and it felt so much more fluid and alive. I didn't concentrate so much on technique but more on feeling, and I had my focus not on anything or motion specifically, but kept it more peripheral.

Even in the seemingly isolated arm movements it felt like my whole body was consciously active or moving to support it, even though it wasn't moving a great deal! Really hard to explain, but just felt more unified, and like every motion was a way of relating to and reflecting the whole.. if that makes sense.

Very cool!
Did some training tonight at home, and have made it a practice to finish with Tensho, recently with the lights off and eyes closed!

Tonight it actually felt really different performing it, eyes were closed and it felt so much more fluid and alive. I didn't concentrate so much on technique but more on feeling, and I had my focus not on anything or motion specifically, but kept it more peripheral.

Even in the seemingly isolated arm movements it felt like my whole body was consciously active or moving to support it, even though it wasn't moving a great deal! Really hard to explain, but just felt more unified, and like every motion was a way of relating to and reflecting the whole.. if that makes sense.

Very cool!

Now go try it outside, in the dark, on uneven ground.
Did some training tonight at home, and have made it a practice to finish with Tensho, recently with the lights off and eyes closed!

Tonight it actually felt really different performing it, eyes were closed and it felt so much more fluid and alive. I didn't concentrate so much on technique but more on feeling, and I had my focus not on anything or motion specifically, but kept it more peripheral.

Even in the seemingly isolated arm movements it felt like my whole body was consciously active or moving to support it, even though it wasn't moving a great deal! Really hard to explain, but just felt more unified, and like every motion was a way of relating to and reflecting the whole.. if that makes sense.

Very cool!
Thanks for sharing, Simon. How goes the search for a new place to train ?
Thanks for sharing, Simon. How goes the search for a new place to train ?
No probs!

Ahh.. I wish I could say going well, just alot of setbacks that makes it very difficult... last 3 months I just kept getting quite sick, immune system was just shot so been recovering from constant infections and colds.

And a pretty severe sacroiliac joint pain issue has halted alot... seeing an osteopath which is helping, so my main focus at the moment is getting well again, and then finding a new dojo/home to train in. As disheartened and discouraged as I've been emotionally... I still am so very keen to train again...

Thanks for asking bud :)
No probs!

Ahh.. I wish I could say going well, just alot of setbacks that makes it very difficult... last 3 months I just kept getting quite sick, immune system was just shot so been recovering from constant infections and colds.

And a pretty severe sacroiliac joint pain issue has halted alot... seeing an osteopath which is helping, so my main focus at the moment is getting well again, and then finding a new dojo/home to train in. As disheartened and discouraged as I've been emotionally... I still am so very keen to train again...

Thanks for asking bud :)
Sorry to hear Simon. Seems like a long time to be saddled with infections and colds. Have you been to the doctor ?

Sacroiliac joint pain is also not a lot of fun. I used to have a lot of problems with my sacrum getting misaligned. I saw an osteopath religiously until one of them told me that I will continue to have this problem is I do not work on my core and stretch after workouts. Knock on wood, it's been 3 years since my last bout.

Get well soon, Simon.
Sorry to hear Simon. Seems like a long time to be saddled with infections and colds. Have you been to the doctor ?

Sacroiliac joint pain is also not a lot of fun. I used to have a lot of problems with my sacrum getting misaligned. I saw an osteopath religiously until one of them told me that I will continue to have this problem is I do not work on my core and stretch after workouts. Knock on wood, it's been 3 years since my last bout.

Get well soon, Simon.

Yeah it's been relentless... yeah went to the docs twice, he seems to think the first lot of antibiotics may not have gotten some strains, so tried a different one. Not a big fan of the medical model sometimes... but in my kinesiology appointment she picked up that my immune system was just struggling, related to not being very grounded, lots of anxiety/stress etc, hence why I just kept getting sick. So been honing in on that alot, slowing down, breathing, grounding exercises etc.

Oh really youch... yeah it's not fun... it's definitely improving, I imagine it's related to this period, alot of stuff has just locked up in there and tensed up, irritated disc.. and I'm sure my pelvic condition would have some relation too. Glutes and lower back craaaaaazy tight....

Ah that's helpful, yes something I neglected for many many years, definitely have now increased my focus on flexibility, mobility etc

And thanks so much appreciate it

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