Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu



Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu...... Does anyone train in it, know what the ryu teaches (i.e. Just sword arts or jujutsu, aikijutsu, etc.), and know who the current headmaster is?
Seeing how its one of the oldest ryu out there, it would be nice to know more about it. (I know somethings about it, but more is better)
I know that it has sword arts and ninjutsu, but that is relativelly it.
Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu is a comprehensive budo system that teaches primarily the use of the sword, but also includes in it's syllabus. The syllabus also includes, bojutsu, naginatajutsu, sojutsu, shurikenjutsu, yawaragei (jujutsu), senjutsu (military tactics), chikujojutsu (field fortification) and ninjutsu.

Here's the official link. http://www.tenshinsho-den-katori-shinto-ryu.org/

Hope this helps.
Thank you very much, this will be very helpful in my research of the MAs and the history of them.
Finally, I think Otake Risuke is leading the group now. If anyone can, please conform.
No, Otake Risuke is the Shihanke (house master) who runs the teaching of techniques etc. Iizasa Shuri No Suke sensei is the Soke of the ryuha. TSKSR has been in Iizasa sensei's family heritage from the beginning, going back 20 Generations all the way back to the Muromachi period.
Thanks for that correction Saitama Steve
Saitama Steve said:
No problem.

Steve san, you are in the UK, do you have any info about other Koryu groups there? I heard that there are Tenjin Shinyo-ryu and Hontai Yoshin-ryu groups in UK, is that true? I only know of the Ryoishinto-ryu group of Jim Shortt, a friend of Mr. Hobbs.
I would also encourage you to visit koryu.com for more information and possible leads.

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