Ten years to pry the door open...

Congratulations. Being a closed door student, now they can beat you in private! ;)

I know nothing about the various crane systems, but did catch a video of 'Tibetan White Crane' a year or so ago on youtube (unfortunately, has been removed). At the time, I found it incomprehensible; as a karate beginner, the type of movement and technique were completely different. I keyed in on the 'windmill' arms...and filed it away mentally for review. Like...maybe when I'm a 5th dan or something. I did mention it to my teacher, how I couldn't see how that kind of technique had any value...and he wisely stated that I would be surprised as it used a different kind of power generation.
Congratulations. Thanks for sharing this story. It must be a wonderful experience. You must have impressed both your sifu and sigung a lot.
Hey Michael :) Wow this is all wonderful - I love how the story unfolds and thank you for keeping us apprised.

I can see the film of it now - the young man treading the slippery river stones, knee-deep in lotus with the old sigung imparting esoteric forms and all to the Silent Flute theme choon of "Kung Fu" :)

And but seriously, good luck and all my wishes for taking it forward. With the door locked behind you, you have the onus of dissemination on your shoulders! And but what a cool thing - from here, I know all your progress is going to be auspicious :) Wishes again :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Congratulations. Being a closed door student, now they can beat you in private! ;)

I know nothing about the various crane systems, but did catch a video of 'Tibetan White Crane' a year or so ago on youtube (unfortunately, has been removed). At the time, I found it incomprehensible; as a karate beginner, the type of movement and technique were completely different. I keyed in on the 'windmill' arms...and filed it away mentally for review. Like...maybe when I'm a 5th dan or something. I did mention it to my teacher, how I couldn't see how that kind of technique had any value...and he wisely stated that I would be surprised as it used a different kind of power generation.

yes, and unfortunately the clips that I have seen on youtube are actually pretty poor. I generally don't point people in that direction for a glimpse of the system, because I don't feel they are generally a good example. Not many people really do it well.

I will say tho, that even when I was first beginning, I started working the techs on the heavy bag, and it became apparent very quickly how hard one can hit with this method. Even with imperfect technique there is a lot of power, like dropping a sack of concrete on someone.