Survey says - Teens are having sex - lots and lots and lots of sex

Here's the thing, I wonder if surveys like this or other kinds of anecdotes only reflect that people are more open about it. I certainly remember some crazy stuff happening in High School, but it was pretty hush hush. Now, it just seems like its in your face. For example, I was on lunch duty last year and I had to monitor the lunch room at a new school. During this duty, I pretty much go ninja and try and look as inconspicuous as possible. You wouldn't believe what I busted kids for! I caught kids dealing drugs. I caught them doing drugs. I caught a group of young girls in the act of learning how to perform ******** from an older girl. I don't remember it being so open when I was in high school.
Frau Desimone was hot, in a slutty 70's way-and, looking back, she liked getting me hot and bothered...... A's in German, though-of course, I would have anyway. :lfao:

Educational studies have shown that if you have a crush on a teacher, you'll get better grades. Go figure...;)
Frau Desimone was hot, in a slutty 70's way-and, looking back, she liked getting me hot and bothered...... A's in German, though-of course, I would have anyway. :lfao:
you're pretty old, don't you mean slutty 50's way?
I think one thing has changed from when I was at school and frankly it's very much for the better lol! girls now expect equal satisfaction in sex! Now that girls have expectations don't assume the boys are the ones pushing the girls! Girls know what they want and what it should be now, boys can no longer push the girls to have sex because "it means you love me". With programmes like Sex in the City etc girls now know they can behave like boys and have sex as they want.
If you listen to girls talking here, you actually have to feel sorry for lads, they are now being pressured to 'perform'.
In the Netherlands where sex education is taught from the age of five or six, age appropriate but the whole country is very open about sex the average age for a teenager to lose their virginity is actually 19 and they have the lowest rate of one parent families in Europe.
Sex isn't something to be coy about, it's just a function in life which happens to be enjoyable ( hopefully!) you teach children about toilet hygiene etc so why is sex so difficult?
I think one thing has changed from when I was at school and frankly it's very much for the better lol! girls now expect equal satisfaction in sex! Now that girls have expectations don't assume the boys are the ones pushing the girls! Girls know what they want and what it should be now, boys can no longer push the girls to have sex because "it means you love me". With programmes like Sex in the City etc girls now know they can behave like boys and have sex as they want.
If you listen to girls talking here, you actually have to feel sorry for lads, they are now being pressured to 'perform'.

Wasn't too different in the 70's and early 80's-of course, if you did "perform," there was no guarantee that you could when she said Do it again....

Heck, there was no guarantee you knew what it was you'd "done." :lfao:

In the Netherlands where sex education is taught from the age of five or six, age appropriate but the whole country is very open about sex the average age for a teenager to lose their virginity is actually 19 and they have the lowest rate of one parent families in Europe.

Yeah, and they do kegels in gym class starting in 1st grade, too! :eek::boing2:

(At least that's what they told me-it did explain a lot.Did really enjoy Holland......:lfao:)
I think one thing has changed from when I was at school and frankly it's very much for the better lol! girls now expect equal satisfaction in sex! Now that girls have expectations don't assume the boys are the ones pushing the girls! Girls know what they want and what it should be now, boys can no longer push the girls to have sex because "it means you love me". With programmes like Sex in the City etc girls now know they can behave like boys and have sex as they want.
If you listen to girls talking here, you actually have to feel sorry for lads, they are now being pressured to 'perform'.
In the Netherlands where sex education is taught from the age of five or six, age appropriate but the whole country is very open about sex the average age for a teenager to lose their virginity is actually 19 and they have the lowest rate of one parent families in Europe.
Sex isn't something to be coy about, it's just a function in life which happens to be enjoyable ( hopefully!) you teach children about toilet hygiene etc so why is sex so difficult?

I agree with this approach. Sex shouldn't be something that is considered as socially taboo. I could see getting better results with sex education as long as it stays age appropriate. If we were to start teaching kids about sex as a meaningful act and not something to be taken lightly at an early age, I think we could see much better results. Of course, the education would have to continue through the grades.
Children can be very a matter of fact about sex, years ago when I ran a playgroup I had a four year old boy tell me about artificial insemination with cows. He told me all about how the semen was collected form the bulls, frozen and kept in the dry ice container in the kitchen. Then when the cows come into season ( he also told me how you know that) you inseminate the cows. He also told me how much all the calves were worth as well as the price of milk per gallon. He also knew how it was done naturally and that all animals including humans did it. Most farm and country children do.
The mechanics of sex shouldn't be a mystery, children can handle the information well. The problem comes when it's tied into a whole load of mystical mumbo jumbo. Tell them the facts, teach them how not to get pregnant and catch STDs. If you have brought them up properly they will have this information to hand alongside the values you have taught them.
If they haven't been brought up to have values then even sex education at school won't help in who with and when they start having sex but it may just stop pregnancies and diseases.
People need to get over the mystification of sex. They mostly think this way I'm guessing because their churches have taught them sex is dirty or bad.