Some of these parents don't even know the software, let alone have the capabilities of going through it line by line with their kids as Gordon suggested. GenX isn't as universally techno-savvy as some folks think they are.
I did some pickup work for Geek Squad during layoffs past, and met one family a couple of towns up from me. Parents were my age, very bright and successful. The complaint was the computer used by the 12 and 13 year old was not working properly. After I de-gunked the system of spyware and the like, I found some stuff on the computer that disturbed me...revealing Xanga pages (in more ways than one), bookmarks for alternative dating communities
How the hell do you tell your client that their 12 or 13 year old daughter posted pictures of herself online wearing little more than a bra and a skirt? I told Mom bluntly what I found on the machine, she didn't even know what Xanga was....let alone how her daughter was putting out on the internet.