You can enact all the laws you want, but people will still violate the laws, plain and simple. I could, for example, get all sorts of laws making it illegal for people to use text messaging while driving, yet, there will be plenty of violators. Or, I could enact more laws that make murder even more illegal, yet, there are going to be people who will still commit murder no matter how unlawful I try to make such an act.
I've always been of the belief, that the solution to such a problem, takes much more time than any quick fix, feel-good law that an opportunistic politician can make. Such an approach requires that a parent strongly emphasize a good sense of what is right and wrong within a child, when the child is much younger.
This way, perhaps common sense can be instilled, and more strongly developed as the child grows older. Even at the tender age of 16, when they start driving (or 15 in some places...), those who follow common sense, are going to be much less likely to get into accidents than those who defy logic.
Despite a certain shrieking politician asserting that "it takes a village," I'll simply say "hogwash" to that claim. It takes good parenting, since there is no greater influence on a child's life, than what the parents do. Maybe it's time for those who are parents of young children to step up and make sure about their levels of common sense. Otherwise, by the time that they really need that common sense, it may already be too late.