2 NY Teens Plan Attack On School

Now I disagree with you. I think things happen in people's lives over which they have no control. I dont believe that just anyone can get ahead if they work hard enough. Why if that really were the case, we wouldn't need welfare and social security and all this 'leftist' help stuff. Cause....anyone can live well right if they work? I just dont believe that. Fact is some people's lives are terrible and for some it is a factor in crime. Helping people to get ahead and making freedom more pleasant can affect whether a person commits a crime or not.

So, are you saying that just because someone lives in a poor area, is surrounded by problems, that they're destined to fall into that? If thats what you're saying, I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you. Bad things happen all the time. Its how we deal with them, that makes the difference. For example: Lets say my wife and I both work. I get laid off from my job, so now its 1 income and obviously we have to make changes in our lifestyle. Does this mean I need to resort to a life of crime because I dont have a job? Of course not.

Fact is, there're many on welfare because they ran into a spat of bad luck, and there're others who milk the system, and feel that the system owes them something, thus they make no effort to better themselves. Way back when I was little, my mom was on it. Divorced that useless piece of **** (my father), but she busted her *** to better herself and she did.

So again, I'm sorry, but I can't believe that eveyr person, who's having a bit of bad luck, has to turn into a bad apple. Thats what they choose to do because they dont feel there's any other options. I beg to differ.
Now I disagree with you. I think things happen in people's lives over which they have no control. I dont believe that just anyone can get ahead if they work hard enough. Why if that really were the case, we wouldn't need welfare and social security and all this 'leftist' help stuff. Cause....anyone can live well right if they work? I just dont believe that. Fact is some people's lives are terrible and for some it is a factor in crime. Helping people to get ahead and making freedom more pleasant can affect whether a person commits a crime or not.

I disagree, I think more often then not peopel have unrealistic expectations on what their happy life would be... instead of finding what they love to do and make a living doing it, they see what the wealthy have and expect it.

It is not our jobs as a society to make everyones freedom more happy.... thats the goal of socialism and its complete crap, it doesn't work, all it does is destroy the entire society. No people need to get back to reality, stop expecting everything and be held accountable. We need to make imprisonment, or lack of freedom much more unhappy and uncomfortable to make it a true deterent to these scum that feel they can take from others illegally to satisfy their own desires.
But that being said by all means you go make whoevers freedom you want more happy with your own money and your own production, but touch mine or try to touch mine and we are going to battle over it.
Its ok. Not everyone here is a leftwinger. I understand that lots arent gonna agree with me on this. Thats ok. :) (and yeah I'm a leftie, maybe not a big radical fundamentalist something - I hate anything fundy - but I'm more leftwing than right wing.)
Its ok. Not everyone here is a leftwinger. I understand that lots arent gonna agree with me on this. Thats ok. :) (and yeah I'm a leftie, maybe not a big radical fundamentalist something - I hate anything fundy - but I'm more leftwing than right wing.)

Well, while my posts may sound left, right, up or down..lol...please don't lump me into the political groups. Frankly, I'm not interested in politics, and usually stay out of those types of discussion, both here and in real life.

But, I still stand by what I said in my posts in this thread. So, back to the discussion of the plot that these kids were trying to pull off.

Hmm...I have to say, that after seeing this, I do not believe that there is any hope for kids like this. Rehab...whats that? I go back on what I said earlier..these kids, regardless of their age, need to be locked up. I'm sorry if some feel that because they're kids, that jail isn't right for them. IMHO, the public is not safe with people like this running around.
These kids need serious psychiatric counseling and anger management for say 2-4 years with followed up probation and community service. I agree sending them to a max security prison could be more harmful. They have to be made to understand, the seriousness of their intentions are not taken lightly.

Hey, I worry about my own kid being a victim of some other crazy students at his school. Todays youth, I don't know what to say.
These kids need serious psychiatric counseling and anger management for say 2-4 years with followed up probation and community service. I agree sending them to a max security prison could be more harmful. They have to be made to understand, the seriousness of their intentions are not taken lightly.

Hey, I worry about my own kid being a victim of some other crazy students at his school. Todays youth, I don't know what to say.

From the link:

the second time in three years he has been accused of such a plot.

If they dont understand it after this, then there isnt any hope. I mean, should it take 2 times for them to understand? Max security...where I live there are various levels. Does it warrant max? Maybe, maybe not, but IMO, it warrants more than rehab.