What are your thoughts on this;
Overhead and Chest Punch
If I'm looking at the correct technique then you guys have actually seen me use both of these before. in sparring.
Pecking Crane
I'm not feeling it by the way they are using it in sparring. For me this would be a dirty move. It's similar to a move that I have pulled off before, not like a pro, but usable. With this my goal would be an eye poke or to hit the soft areas of the face. Probably get more mileage out of the eye poke. I would most likely use it when my opponent comes in lazy. I don't train this often so definitely wouldn't use it in a fight. I'm going to step out of my lane on this one a little or a lot. This move is not a head on fighting technique. It's meant to be used at an angle. so you don't get knocked out. First slip jabb with a hook parry, to interfere with the arms return which would get in your way, then poke your opponent in the or face if you have stone fingers.
Tiger's Claw
This one is doable in a fight, but I don't think the video shows it being used properly. I would never use it that way. Tiger Claw as I was taught is a snatch. So short explanation. I would palm strike your face then try to quickly pull your face off. It can also be use to attack certain muscles in tendons as well. When you see tiger claw conditioning used it's always a snatch motion not a striking with claw motion. The claw is used for pulling not swiping.
Punch the sky + Shoot the Spike hand.
This is just an uppercut followed by a straight right. The right is thrown while in a bow stance because you are slipping a punch. or a spear hand to the throat. It's doable, but I wouldn't use a spear hand unless I was 100% sure that spear hand is going to get in. Fingers vs incoming punches is a bad situation to be in.
Cat washes Face
Done it in sparring, used it when sparring against the Sanda school. Doable, easy to do, high percentage on people who like to throw more than one punch. I have it on video. Some of you have already seen it and didn't realize it. some of you may actually use it and don't realize it.. At the 2:02 mark you can see it fail because he didn't do it enough.
Punching though the sleeve.
Doable.. I have video of me using it.
I would have to see him in a sparring match to see if he abandons his kung fu. If he keeps it and uses the techniques then is fight training is decent or good and she should get better the more he does it. If he abandons the techniques then his training is wrong.. There were somethings I thought were wrong, but it looked as if he was probably teaching and not really trying to execute the techniques. Sort of how I get when I spar with beginners.