Teaching Students

Out of the ten years I have been at the same school, i can not think of one person we have turned away. We have had people walk into our school that most school would not have touched and now they are doing very well. They are by no means "great" but they come in and work as hard as any one else and are slowly moving up the ranks.

for me teaching kids can be the most amazing time or it can make me want to go and take a nap in the street. But I always learn something
sorry tellner for sortof misquoting you or impulsively responding on your comment on the different teaching styles.-

Out of the ten years I have been at the same school, i can not think of one person we have turned away. We have had people walk into our school that most school would not have touched and now they are doing very well. They are by no means "great" but they come in and work as hard as any one else and are slowly moving up the ranks.

i think that is very cool. although i would be happy to train and share with strong or skillfull people, i know that in ma strength is an illusion.
noone is really ultimately strong. everyone has limitations and is depending on conditions. so i think that that a passion for the ma and selfimprovement through training, would be all that is required for practically anyone. i think martial arts is probably unique in that way.

the same illusion that makes people think their art is supreme in all conditions or put down other arts without at least properly informing themselves first. like i always say, the only things that are strong are earthquakes, oceans and fire- when we manage to unite our forces with the natural elements around us effectively, then for that moment we are strong or experience it as such.

but even if someone was interested in martial arts in some way. they may still think about many things that they are impossible or too difficult to achieve. for example stretching and acrobatics.
i wonder if it is the inspiration or the knowledge that is more important?
Why if we are instructor do we not see the value of teaching students? I know let me get on my rant here, students come in all shape and sizes all kind of walks of life women, men, teenagers and the forbidden child. Here lies the problem with alot of folks the see absolutely no value in teaching out of shape people or people that are there for exorcise or the forbidden child Why is this? What is the real reason behind teachimg these types is it fear that they do not have the patience to do it, do they feel they have to must SD principle in there core to be of service to them or is it just plain and other discremination towards certain types in the MA world.

I knw alot of fine instructor on this site and I know what they would say but what about those of you that really feel this way I can hear from you as well, what is the true meaning of not teaching thse types of people?

Lets also keep this converstation as respectful as we can. Really looking for some great decussion here.

That concept ranks up there with the excuse:

"I'll start working out with you as soon as I get in shape"


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