Teach stances or blocks first?

Many of the badges/patches are awarded for things outside of wilderness skills.

When Lord Baden-Powell started Scouting (his sister Agnes started Guiding, the founder of American Girl Scouts was a Guide leader under her) the intention was to make well rounded human beings, not 'wilderness' people. There was also little 'religion' in Scouting, the priorities were spirituality, playing the game and being a decent person who had skills to cope with almost every situation you could imagine.

It's not all that unusual for a respected sports coach to be asked to talk with a participant when the parents find they are not getting through

That is much more of an individual thing but it can also backfire if the parents are wanting their child to achieve far too much for their age, it can also lead to situations where coaches are believed over the students/athletes as we've seen in quite a few situations recently notably the gymnasts sexually abused by the team doctor. We've just had a case here of a football coach abusing boys, he was due in court the other day but had an encounter with a tree while driving his care, tree survived, he didn't.
Please lets end this on a positive note and go back to the original op.
As child I went to English school age 12-14, Second and third year.
There were some great teachers and coaches at both English and American schools who help me a lot.
American parents and English parents are different on the little things, not the big things.
Most parents love their children very much and do the best they can.
Please lets end this on a positive note and go back to the original op.
As child I went to English school age 12-14, Second and third year.
There were some great teachers and coaches at both English and American schools who help me a lot.
American parents and English parents are different on the little things, not the big things.
Most parents love their children very much and do the best they can.
Well said.
I'm new. There is so much content Gold here at this forum. It's like church