I believe Kennedy's
demo is misleading. One should understand the safe zone, fight zone and enter when it's safe, not rely only on wrestling techniques. Do MMA!
GN (Paulo from Funker-Tactical) in your Kennedy video (from my past notes)...
At 1:44 of the followings video, "What doesn't work is the bent arm disarms and the moves that require your opponent to mysteriously leave his arm extended while you fumble your way through some preposterous disarm or the massive over committal defenses that will leave you dead if they don’t work for any reason. Moves that don’t work. …
$10,000 Challenge to Funker-Tactical. If you can catch any one of my 300 knife attacks in a row (at normal intensity) in a Russian tie, I will give you $10,000."
In this video, I respond very directly to Funker Tactical's straw-man argument, and issue a friendly challenge of my own. Will he respond? Not sure... you should ask him.
However, Paulo from Funker-Tactical can't catch any knife attacks in a "Russian tie." Paulo has not accepted the challenge, yet:
A real knife fight where the attacker moves, doesn't stand still.
Active Self Protection
Sep 23, 2021
Family Beef Leads to Crazy Knife Fight Between Coworkers: