

Purple Belt
Supporting Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Been going to a martial arts based circuit/fitness class for a few months.

The guys who run it are Kempo based but we can do what ever we like. They intoduced me to Tabata. I know it has been around ages but I had not used it before.

We go to a punch bag and go one either side, then instead of focusing on power we go for speed and working as hard as we can for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds rest x 8.

Very tiring, nearly spewed after the first time. Getting used to it now but I thought last time I was at the gym training I would try it with chain punches in stance.

Good fun and god it hurts. Just something different to try in your fitness regime.

You can get the Tabata timing in an MP3 format to put on your Ipod. I use it to do squats/shadow fact whatever.
I just want to say that Tabata is a conditioning drill created by Izumi Tabata who used his protocol (20 secs hard work/10 secs easy repeated 8 to 10 times) for training speed skaters using a bicycle ergonometer.
All other "Tabata" things have been invented by people here and there.

That aside Crossfitters have this thing called 'Tabata Something else', which can be adapted to Wing Chun training. For example do 20 secs of chum choi to a bag, 10 sec break, 20 secs of Pak Sao, 10 sec break, and so on for either a set number of rounds or for a set amount of time (15 or 20 minutes normally).