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Solo practice ideas?
By Vitamin Water - 07-17-2012 02:09 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
So I'm going to be away from training for the next month or so, and I was wondering what some good things to practice solo are. I know I can run through the solo stick drill, but what I really want to keep sharp are my empty-hand skills, does anyone have any ideas to maintain these? I am not adverse to building anything. Empty hands are (so far) the only part of the system I have used live, so it's very important to me to keep them as sharp as possible. So far I've been working shadow sparring and continuously hitting a bag with a variety of strikes using tabata intervals, might as well get a workout while training. More fun that way. I've also been running through some patterns for multiple attackers. I'm trying to get a few bags hanging near each other so I can practice them with full-force striking. One idea I have, but haven't yet tried is to try stringing along counter-offensive moves in a slow, tai chi speed to help with flow.
Edit: Does anyone have any experience with Keating's Dequerdas? Seems like it might be the ticket
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By Vitamin Water - 07-17-2012 02:09 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
So I'm going to be away from training for the next month or so, and I was wondering what some good things to practice solo are. I know I can run through the solo stick drill, but what I really want to keep sharp are my empty-hand skills, does anyone have any ideas to maintain these? I am not adverse to building anything. Empty hands are (so far) the only part of the system I have used live, so it's very important to me to keep them as sharp as possible. So far I've been working shadow sparring and continuously hitting a bag with a variety of strikes using tabata intervals, might as well get a workout while training. More fun that way. I've also been running through some patterns for multiple attackers. I'm trying to get a few bags hanging near each other so I can practice them with full-force striking. One idea I have, but haven't yet tried is to try stringing along counter-offensive moves in a slow, tai chi speed to help with flow.
Edit: Does anyone have any experience with Keating's Dequerdas? Seems like it might be the ticket
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