super 8: Military the bad guys, again?

Ok so all of Hollywood is making left wing why are Hollywood films so right wing then?
All I can say is that I am clearly a political illiterate - some very good films in those lists, some of which deal with some important political issues and some most definitely with the futility of war.

If your take on them is that they are Left Wing rather than discoursive then it's your loss. I'll just enjoy them for what they are - good stories.

By the way, Mr Breitbart is a loony and Mr. Nolte would be far better served if his first name was Nick and he made films rather than talked gibberish - you know that Right :p?

Defining yourself and limiting your thinking by a narrow cleaving to political parties is no way to live - end transmission.
In what way is Breitbart a looney? He has taken on some very important corrupt organizations in the states and has been successful doing it.
did you read any of his reviews of those movies. The reviews are fair and he openly admits to likeing most of those movies. He simply points out how they are left wing in nature. Pick a few and we can discuss them if you want.
I am not ever sure what he is saying about JFK, Stone claimed everyone is involved in JFK's assassination and at the top of the list Democrat, civil right supporting Lyndon B. Johnson.

No one in their right mind in 1990 would claim Kennedy as a left wing hero, way too much of his machinations had been revealed as revealed by Seymour Hersh.
I wasn't going to post this in-thread as it's really not utterly relevant to this ones topic but I thought it'd just serve as a once-and-for-all 'cards on the table' type of statement and then I should leave things alone for a while (as I am getting foolishly aggrieved by things I shouldn't).

In fact I won't post what I just wrote in thread - it's not relevant to anything other than my opinion. I might PM it BillC (possibly not tho', being English and not liking to upset people); but if I do, please feel free to discard it if you are insulted by my thoughts. They are just my reactions and are no reflection on the 'real' you that exists outside of the computer screen.
Here is a quote from the Planet of the Apes review

" I personally donÂ’t know any Christians who deny evolution exists but the stereotype is alive and well in a story about a patriarchal ape society run by science deniers who cling to superstition"

puh-leeze! I'm supposed to take this guy seriously with a statement like that?
Sukerkin, please, hit me with it in a P.M. I won't take offense and I am really curious to see the formal, and proper gentleman Sukerkin "let loose." Since this is a movie thread it seems like the relationship between Britain and America is akin to that in Star Trek. The Brits are somewhat like the Vulcans, and the Americans like the humans. One is very formal and reserved and the other is more say it like it is and let the chips fall where they may. Send me a P.M. and my word as a gentleman, I won't take it personally, and we will still cuddle after words.

Sukerkin, please, hit me with it in a P.M. I won't take offense and I am really curious to see the formal, and proper gentleman Sukerkin "let loose." Since this is a movie thread it seems like the relationship between Britain and America is akin to that in Star Trek. The Brits are somewhat like the Vulcans, and the Americans like the humans. One is very formal and reserved and the other is more say it like it is and let the chips fall where they may. Send me a P.M. and my word as a gentleman, I won't take it personally, and we will still cuddle after words.


Sukerkin, please, hit me
on the down low
I am really curious
let loose
and let the chips fall
like the Vulcans
like a relationship
like the humans
say it like it is
as a gentleman
we will still cuddle after
on the down low
like a movie
Brokeback or Le Cage
let the chips fall
Sukerkin, please, hit me with it in a P.M. I won't take offense and I am really curious to see the formal, and proper gentleman Sukerkin "let loose."

Ooh I don't know, good sir. It was pretty sharp-tongued, that text I didn't post here. I've "cooled my jets" now and am reticient to pass on in private what I (at the last moment) had the sensitivity not to post in public.

My touchstone for what I post, when I'm not too tired, is whether I would be upset or offended by my words if they were directed at me. I try to apply that filter to whatever 'channel' I use.

I was in 'Romulan' hot-blood when I started to reply earlier and I am glad that my 'Vulcan' nature took hold before I hit 'Post' :D. I am not always saved by the 'medium of communication', particularly when the topics relate to religion and my fingers run away with me {:o} but usually the act of having to formulate written sentences and then post saves me from an intemperate moment :lol:.

Putting that all aside, I thank you for your kindly worded assessment of your impression of my normal contributions to the board :bows:.
By the way, Mr Breitbart is a loony and Mr. Nolte would be far better served if his first name was Nick and he made films rather than talked gibberish - you know that Right :p?

exactly WHAT is that little bit of opinion based on? something someone in the english leftist press told you?

please explain why you think the man who has been proven right more times than not is a loon
exactly WHAT is that little bit of opinion based on? something someone in the english leftist press told you?

And what is that opinion based on?

According to you Tez can't know anything about H-Wood living in the UK but you know all about the political leanings of the English press.
they all have websites and they all post articles.

seriously? you sound like you are disagreeing just to disagree without even having a reason to do it.
leftist British in Sky News or the Times , both owned by Rupert Murdoch , also the owner of Fox News in the US. Or do you mean the Economist, the well known conservative business magazine?

Please keep the conversation civil, and on-topic. Remember, you are permitted to attack the message, but not the one bearing the message.

If you don't like what someone generally says, then you're always free to use the "ignore this poster" feature.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
interesting, the British press has both right and left viewpoints, but you know the same can't possibly be true of a vast industry like Hollywood.

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