super 8: Military the bad guys, again?

Why would a "small government conservative" who is absolutely terrified to hear "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" want us to refuse to criticize only one part of the government?

And the LARGEST part, at that?

The Greeks and Romans had no standing armies, yet they defended themselves. The Greeks by their laws, and the Romans by the spirit of their people, took care to put into the hands of their rulers no such engine of oppression as a standing army. Their system was to make every man a soldier and oblige him to repair to the standard of his country whenever that was reared. This made them invincible; and the same remedy will make us so.Thomas Jefferson

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the military, those among us with the bravery to stand up and fight, and lay it all on the line, for the sake of the rest of us deserve a little better than what has happened to them since vietnam.
Careful Omar, you seem to be walking the line with your comments. A little respect please. You may not like the thread, but at least be civil.

Don't issue me warnings about the rules here. Respect is earned, not given simply because you ask in a thread. Acting civil is also something you should not be admonishing anyone about after doing something as uncivil as posting a thread with a quote from Obama in the topic that he never even said, and you admitted as much, lies are never civil.
Every movie needs a villain but I don't have to lay down my money on a movie that uses the military as the villain, that's all. Movie after movie that portrays the people who serve in the military as more than willing to murder civillians gets pretty old. I had planned on seeing Super 8, but then I heard that it was a kid bonding movie, so I was a little less eager to see it. I read this review and it says the military kills civillians to cover up this alien creature and I am less likely to see it. It was like the movie "The crazies." In that movie the military also massacered civillians to cover up the spread of the chemical. Not very original.
"Obama says, 'I'll rlease photos when politically expedient'" I know, lies are hard to remember, so much less concrete than the truth.
wether you think he deserves respect or not you had best keep a civil tone, the rules have tightened up round these parts, and you might find yourself in trouble if you continue this way

free advice..
Hmmm...yeah,... that's a lie, you are way too observant to sneak that one past you. I sit here in shame thinking about the great deception I perpetrated on the wonderful people here on the study. I will go off now and seek redemption for my misdeed....I'm back.
Omar, could you tell me exactly which post that is so I can repost it and people can see exactly how I deceived the readers here at the study?
Bill, while I am against the idea that the US military is "the bad guy", this is hardly a new trend in cinema. Any kind of institution or authority is distrusted in our times. There are some good reasons for this.

Vietnam--both the reality of soldiers with problems like PTSD and the way they were negatively portrayed in the media

Watergate scandal

Rising Divorce rate

Media portrayal of all kinds of corruption from authority figures, incl. the clergy and gov't

Moreover, popular commentators have not merely rediscovered classical forms of anomie that sociologists have long discussed, because the Generation X variant of disaffection does not emerge from social isolation and the absence of meaningful, binding social ties, the researchers said. It stems instead from the view that major familial, work and political institutions are rife with corruption and winding down, with no obvious regenerative forces or possibilities in sight.

Gen X is currently writing and making the movies.
Gentlemen and ladies, just a small word about the regulations of the board, especially with the new (and not before time) harder line.

If you feel that an individual has crossed into breaching the 'spirit of the law', then report it via the accepted channels.

There is no such thing as a 'citizens arrest' here at MT - a friendly warning that someone is in danger of getting into hot water is a different thing than trying to use the rules as a club to beat someone whose views you do not like or who is giving you a hard time.

So, rather than being tempted to 'have a go yourself', bring it to the attention of those who do have a role to play in helping the board to function smoothly and without undue vitriol.

However, it is important to bear in mind that if too many allegations are deemed to be unfounded then you might find that that 'hot water' has a way of finding yourself instead.

Hopefully, we are all adults here and can normally resolve things without resorting to 'litigation'. In those cases where we cannot, that is what that little triangle with an exclamation mark within it (on the right-hand side of the banner line of every post) is for. As with the communication cord on a train, make sure the situation warrants it before you pull it.

Mark A. Beardmore
MT Mentor
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as someone that has been on the the recieving end of the beat down, i try to let folks know when, IMO, they are getting close to that level...
Additionally, the Cranes found, the Rambo-inspired myth of the Vietnam veteran as criminal is pure fiction. Numerous studies have concluded that a statistically insignificant number of Vietnam veterans landed in prison after returning home.

They did not see the same Rambo movie, and certaintly did not read the book to have that kind of view. The movie takes a bit of creative license to make it more entertaining, but the message I got loud and clear was of Rambo as a good guy, who did everything his country asked of him, only to be persecuted by the small town sheriff.

We do allow a bit more leeway in the Study, since opinions can (and do) get heated when discussion such matter. Heat is fine, all-out flames are NOT okay.

If you don't like what someone says, then use the "ignore" feature. You are always free to use the "ignore" feature if you feel that someone's postings aren't worth your time.

Remember, it takes two to tango.

That being said, let's keep this discussion civil.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Its an alien most alien movies the military plays a protagonist part. No one is persecuting US military personel with this movie. I'm willing to bet that many US military personel saw the movie and actually enjoyed it. This smells more like an attempt to paint Hollywood people as anti-American or unpatriotic because they dared produce a film where the military isn't potrayed as the hero...which there are films where they are the hero. The best thing that can be said about this article is it stinks, a lot.
did you miss the last couple weeks on planet earth?

since you apparently missed it, the story broke last week with dozens of high level players in hollywood admitting that they push a leftist agenda in thier writing, programming, and hiring.

one part of that is paint in the military in the typical murtha fashion.

no one can really deny this
did you miss the last couple weeks on planet earth?

since you apparently missed it, the story broke last week with dozens of high level players in hollywood admitting that they push a leftist agenda in thier writing, programming, and hiring.

one part of that is paint in the military in the typical murtha fashion.

no one can really deny this

Actually yeah I have missed this. Which major players stated this?
Actually yeah I have missed this. Which major players stated this?

Missed it too so I Googled. It seems there's a book out alleging that Hollywood is full of people trying to push a left wing agenda. If it's true they are doing a dismal job, America is the most conservative country just about in the world and the rest of the world simply hasn't noticed the left wing content of Hollywood's output, probably because that too is right wing by true socialists standards!
What we non American see in Hollywood films is the pushing of the American way of life and every so often especially in war films a bias towards claiming Americans won everything! We just put it down to patriotism and get on with our lives. If there's a left wing bias in Hollywood made films it passes over most people's heads unless you are somewhat paranoid about finding reds under the beds.
Missed it too so I Googled. It seems there's a book out alleging that Hollywood is full of people trying to push a left wing agenda. If it's true they are doing a dismal job, America is the most conservative country just about in the world and the rest of the world simply hasn't noticed the left wing content of Hollywood's output, probably because that too is right wing by true socialists standards!
What we non American see in Hollywood films is the pushing of the American way of life and every so often especially in war films a bias towards claiming Americans won everything! We just put it down to patriotism and get on with our lives. If there's a left wing bias in Hollywood made films it passes over most people's heads unless you are somewhat paranoid about finding reds under the beds.

Yeah, I googled it too, seems some conservative_poster_child published a book alleging a deliberate agenda by Hollywood. I haven't been watching a whole lot of news, but this book certainly flew under my radar.

When one of the first links I found to give a name was one featuring The 700 Club, I kinda dismissed the notion that it was something serious. :rofl:

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