the left vs. the military: Act of Valor

Here is a discussion about what the directors discovered while filming Act of Valor...

[h=1]BH Interview: ‘Act of Valor’ Directors Battle to Change Hollywood’s False Image of U.S. Soldiers[/h]by Christian Toto “Act of Valor” directors Mike “Mouse” McCoy and Scott Waugh were surprised to learn the Navy SEALs who star in their new film were nothing like the characters seen in modern war movies.
“They were intellectual, down to earth, dedicated family men,” McCoy tells Big Hollywood. “They’re some of the finest people we’ve met in our lives.”
I saw Act of Valor on Sunday. It was okay, not great. The fight scenes were a bit confusing, which may be real but doesn't make for a good movie fight scene, and the acting is what you would expect of actual navy seals vs. actors. Other than that, the beginning of the movie was really pretty good. Spoiler...the rescue was emotional, as seeing a woman being abused by criminal thugs is never good. The one good thing...they didn't waterboard her, they just...well, go and see for yourselves. Here is a look at why it made as much money as it did, through word of mouth...

Let me clue you in, Tinseltown – “Act” is an unapologetically pro-military movie that doesn’t have topretend that the greatest threat to America is space aliens. It’s got action – holy cow, does it have action. It’s got emotion – real emotion, not that hacky “emotional conflict” cookie cutter crap that your screenwriting seminars push. And it’s got this thing called “moral clarity.”
Since that’s an unfamiliar concept, I’ll give you a chance to Google it.
Yeah, Hollywood, moral clarity. The bad guys are bad guys. As in the real world outside of the I-10/I-5/101 Freeway/Pacific Ocean box where you live your miserable, morally bankrupt lives, there’s no ambiguity. American warriors are the unambiguous heroes, and the people they hunt down are unambiguously evil.
There’s no bogus back story to the villains about how Americans were mean to them, or how their daddies didn’t hug them enough, or how global warming destroyed their petting zoo.

“Act of Valor” rejects the kind of value-free nonsense you love to inject into your crummy, unwatched flops to generate the cozy moral ambiguity that allows you to pretend that there is no such thing as right and wrong. Over-hyped, over-praised and just plain over productions like “Homeland” (and, in later years, “24″), I’m talking about you.
The jihadi/drug dealing villains in “Act” murder little kids with car bombs. They use power drills to torture women. They want to butcher Americans here in our country. Just like in real life.
Except – and this is key – “Act of Valor” isn’t afraid to say so. You are. Evil corporations, neo-Nazis, little green men – you’ll have anyone as the villain except the real villians who we are really at war against today.

And the C.I.A. isn't shown as the bad guys either...they actually are the good guys as well...

I think the "moral clarity" is the biggest selling point for the movie. The bad guys are actual bad guys, and when they get theirs in the river's just great.
I saw it on Saturday. It was predictable. REALLY predictable. But respectful, and even though I figured out the end from the opening monologue, I steal teared up at the end.

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You don't get any more left than Naomi Wolf and here is her reaction to Katy Perry doing a video that involved the marines...The video shows Perry breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, she joins the marines and goes through boot camp. It is a good video...

As the saying goes...if a conservative doesn't like a radio/television program or a specific actor or actress, they simply don't watch them. If a liberal doesn't like a radio/television program, or a specific actor or actress, they want them taken off the air or is a classic liberal call to boycott someone, probably someone who is closer to naomi wolf in other things, simply because she disagrees with Perry on this video.

Writes Wolf on Facebook:
Have you all seen the Katy Perry Marines video? It is a total piece of propaganda for the Marines...I really want to find out if she was paid by them for making is truly shameful. I would suggest a boycott of this singer whom I really liked -- if you are as offended at this glorification of violence as I am.

Wolf's reaction to the video and her suggestion that portraying the Marines in a nice manner is a "glorification of violence" betrays her prejudice against our military. It's due to the effort of those Marines that Wolf is able to play keyboard revolutionary on American soil. She believes spending a few minutes outside and getting arrested in her evening gown en route to a one-percenter event is a worthier effort than leaving your family to fly far from home and eat MREs in sweltering temperatures so a bitter, feminist writer can exercise the right to free speech (which you protect) -- and then complain about your efforts to secure it. Spare me your self-righteous indignation. Don't complain about the free choice of a woman to make such a video or cut down the work of our sisters in the military. How very anti-feminist.
Kudos to Perry for making a video so unlike what we see in Hollywood, where our men and women in uniform are denigrated by trust-fund socialists as zombified killing machines performing lowly tasks. Kudos to Perry for showing a video of free women exercising their right to choose how they want to live their lives. And kudos again to Perry for making a music video which shows how women can be empowered beyond flashing T&A to win male approval.

I didn't like Kate Perry too much because she seemed/seems a little too sleazy. This video raises my appreciation of her. She did something nice for our troops here. Good for her.
Glorification of about possibly honoring the men and women who keep poor little naomi wolf safe from the real predators in the world...
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You don't get any more left than Naomi Wolf and here is her reaction to Katy Perry doing a video that involved the marines...The video shows Perry breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, she joins the marines and goes through boot camp. It is a good video...

As the saying goes...if a conservative doesn't like a radio/television program or a specific actor or actress, they simply don't watch them. If a liberal doesn't like a radio/television program, or a specific actor or actress, they want them taken off the air or is a classic liberal call to boycott someone, probably someone who is closer to naomi wolf in other things, simply because she disagrees with Perry on this video.

I didn't like Kate Perry too much because she seemed/seems a little too sleazy. This video raises my appreciation of her. She did something nice for our troops here. Good for her.
Glorification of about possibly honoring the men and women who keep poor little naomi wolf safe from the real predators in the world...

Wait, what? Conservatives don't boycott? There was no conservative boycott of the companies that "bailed on rush limbaugh"? There was no conservative boycott of CPAC? The people who tried to boycott Disney, military enlistment (during the repeal of DART), the movie "Thor" or a myriad of other things that have been boycotted on the last 30 years by conservative groups?

Were they just liberals cleverly disguised as conservatives?

Seriously, where do you get this stuff, and why aren't you fact checking it?

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Well, first, the thread is about the left disliking the military and you have a prominent lefty, naomi wolf, attacking Perry because she made a video that showed the marines, the people fighting and dying for this country all over the world, in a favorable light. It's about the U.S. marines, not the taliban, or the kudz forces or the russian or chinese military.

Second, this is a big country and boycott's happen on both sides, but the organized efforts, the glitter bombs, the flour bombs, the pie throwing, the union beat downs, the calls for the removal of Fox cable news, most recently the attack on Rush, the fact that conservative speakers on college campuses, Ann Coulter, and David Horowitz to name two, are all from the organized and institutional left. There is really no comparison now or in history that the left does not value freedom of speech as much as conservatives do.

Here is an article on the very subject from the daily caller...

The evidence of this calculated assault on free speech is overwhelming, but the most recent and high-profile examples include carefully orchestrated campaigns by three well-funded, interconnected, George Soros-linked organizations: Media Matters for America (MMFA); the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC); and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

After years of trying to censor the conservative voice of Rush Limbaugh, for instance, the George Soros-funded Media Matters recently pulled out all the stops to get him booted from the airwaves.

Another example of this Orwellian censorship crusade involves the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, an outfit that, until recent years, was viewed as a relatively credible civil rights organization. Unfortunately, the SPLC has now cashed in most of its remaining political capital, taking the same cynical path as its fellow travelers over at Media Matters. The SPLC too has become little more than a mouthpiece for left-wing extremism.

In a “too cute by half” attempt to marginalize those who observe the traditional Judeo-Christian sexual ethic, or who embrace a constitutionalist view of government, the SPLC has moved from monitoring actual hate groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazis, to slandering mainstream Christian and tea party organizations with that very same “SPLC-certified hate group” label. Indeed, in its promotional materials and on its website, the SPLC indiscriminately lumps well-respected, highly influential Christian organizations like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association together with domestic terrorist and white supremacist groups.
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