Suing Good Samaritans

You tell me... these days standing around and just calling for help on your itty-bitty widdle cell phones is ENOUGH!??
(nothing personal against anyone mind you)

It's greed that makes people want to sue, it's those damn lawyers that say... to their clients... "hey! that guy could've hurt you pulling you out of that burning car/ stopping the bleeding from your neck/pulling you out of traffic with a bus coming only inches from your head/ etc./etc. "
It's also those damned judges that go ahead and award these things because the ambulance chaser made a damned good argument over common sense.

It's got to stop folks. It's why people don't get involved with each other anymore. It's why we're in a "don't touch me" type of society. It's why too many people call out for help and help doesn't come even if it's standing right beside them.

First thing we need to do ... is kill all the lawyers. ~Shakespeare

This is way too simplistic. Mind you, I couldn't care less if you hate lawyers, or if you hate veterinarians and hotel maids. But if it's hating and killing you wish, you are letting far too many guilty parties off. Consider...

Apparently, everyone was drinking before this, so let's begin by gunning down drunk drivers right at roadside.... in fact, let's shoot everyone who's publicly inebriated or a bad driver.... but that's just for starters, to get the blood running.

As malign as lawyers may be, they need many greedy clients willing to sue for ridiculous things..... and those clients are almost never other lawyers. They are people just like you. So shoot them, and shoot yourself in the foot.

There most often are laws or precedents for stupid lawsuits to happen.... so if any of you don't vote when legislators and judges are up for election, I say you must hate and shoot yourselves. Dumb laws thrive and multiply in a society of sheeple, not citizens.

Outrageous verdicts happen when cases don't settle before trial.... so employer personnel offices and insurance adjusters across the land - to the guillotine en masse!

Outrageous verdicts most often come from juries.... made up of people just like you. (judges and appellate courts, in fact, often reduce these verdicts). So machine gun the jury pool - and if you're one of those very special people who use cute tricks to avoid jury duty and then criticize the legal system, you should die slowly. Shooting is too good for you.

Social problems are never simple, but its fun and easy to pretend they are. By the way, this was not a case of "the judge".... it was a vote of 4 judges of the California Supreme Court, with 3 dissenting. What good it would supposedly do to shoot the 3 dissenters, or a public defender in Sacramento or a traffic judge in San Jose is anyone'e guess...

Folks, if you want to know why society's a total mess, you can find the answer in your bathroom above the sink. Now, load your guns and do the right thing.
You think people dont care enough for their fellow man now?

Now they have just scared off a number of people who would act in an emergency...

Typical left coast court decision.
One note: The ruling permits the lawsuit to go forward; it does not guarantee victory.

My understanding of Good Samaritan laws is that they are NOT universal protections for well meaning acts. The action you take must be within the scope of your training; I have no more business doing a tracheotomy (I saw one on MASH that they did using a penknife and pen tube!) or even moving someone from a car WITHOUT URGENT NEED than I do walking into a hospital room and playing doctor. Or a courtroom and playing lawyer. I'm trained as a first responder; my training has addressed likely situations, but I'm not a paramedic.

TV and movies have done a terrible disservice to us all; they've shown us that every car crash results in fire and explosion. Guess what? I've investigated several hundred crashes. I've responded to even more to assist my partners. I can count on one hand the number of crashes that led to a fire -- and I don't need any fingers to count the vehicle explosions. In fact, vehicle explosions are rare enough that they make the news just about anywhere. There's not a lot of need to go yanking people out of cars, as a general rule. There are exceptions... but generally, if you're doubt -- leave an injured person in the car.
This is way too simplistic. Mind you, I couldn't care less if you hate lawyers, or if you hate veterinarians and hotel maids. But if it's hating and killing you wish, you are letting far too many guilty parties off. Consider...

Apparently, everyone was drinking before this, so let's begin by gunning down drunk drivers right at roadside.... in fact, let's shoot everyone who's publicly inebriated or a bad driver.... but that's just for starters, to get the blood running.

As malign as lawyers may be, they need many greedy clients willing to sue for ridiculous things..... and those clients are almost never other lawyers. They are people just like you. So shoot them, and shoot yourself in the foot.

There most often are laws or precedents for stupid lawsuits to happen.... so if any of you don't vote when legislators and judges are up for election, I say you must hate and shoot yourselves. Dumb laws thrive and multiply in a society of sheeple, not citizens.

Outrageous verdicts happen when cases don't settle before trial.... so employer personnel offices and insurance adjusters across the land - to the guillotine en masse!

Outrageous verdicts most often come from juries.... made up of people just like you. (judges and appellate courts, in fact, often reduce these verdicts). So machine gun the jury pool - and if you're one of those very special people who use cute tricks to avoid jury duty and then criticize the legal system, you should die slowly. Shooting is too good for you.

Social problems are never simple, but its fun and easy to pretend they are. By the way, this was not a case of "the judge".... it was a vote of 4 judges of the California Supreme Court, with 3 dissenting. What good it would supposedly do to shoot the 3 dissenters, or a public defender in Sacramento or a traffic judge in San Jose is anyone'e guess...

Folks, if you want to know why society's a total mess, you can find the answer in your bathroom above the sink. Now, load your guns and do the right thing.
I don't hate lawyers as a person... I hate what they do, I hate how they have encouraged through their actions in courts to get people to want to chase materialistic idealism (or is it idealistic materialism?). To get as much out of the other guy as possible. Their ideals, their own greed knowing they'll get as much as 30 to 40 % of the take during a lawsuit.
As individuals no I don't hate them, I do hate how they've been allowed to run down common-sense law and turn frivolous matters into boo-koo bucks for them and their clients.
They through their actions even encourage juries to award X# of millions for spilt coffee, a broken nail, a momentary scare and all of those court cases we read about that get us to shake our heads.
Fall down a flight of steps... you're a clumsy idiot or just simply mistimed it... YOU did it not the hotel or casino or office... YOU through your own carelessness and misjudgment or just simply bad luck...

My father (who is deaf and blind and 80yrs old) about to sit down missed a chair at the doctor's office, fell backwards and crushed his L-5 vertebrae and has been in serious pain ever since. He misjudged the location of the chair and I who was distracted by the receptionist trying to get the next appointment date didn't see him about to fall until it was too late...
Did we run down to the lawyers office to sue the receptionist (for distracting me), the doctor (who hired the receptionist that distracted me), the office (where the incident took place and should've gotten better chairs), the entire flippin hospital where the office was located and then go after the chair manufacturer???
No. Thankfully his insurance covers any of the bills that we've now incurred because of that moment of clumsiness.

You misunderstood my ire... it is not at the people but what they DO, what they represent. Misaligned law practices and GREED.
Im not really clear on what this case sets precident for. Ive always believed that a reckless act would leave one liable reagrdless of good samaritan laws. Way I see it, this case is saying that "reckless or not..if the end result turns out bad you are on the hook."
There are many crashes, in which I've taken the phone call. I ask if there're any injuries. The ones that usually say no, half the time result in injuries, once the police arrive. Now, are they trying to hype up things to sue to the person who hit them....or did they suddenly feel a pain somewhere? Don't know, but if it suddenly came on, for someone to risk pulling them out, again, if there're no immediate injuries..let the people who get paid to do this, do it.

Don't take this as being coldhearted. I'm just saying in todays world, you shouldn't take risks.

"All-State-itis" is pretty common... and pretty unpopular with cops in my area, because it turns a simple fender bender where the drivers can exchange info and be on their way quickly into a 6 page crash report, and EMS response.

At the same time -- sometimes people don't realize their hurt for quite some time after the crash due to adrenaline. And we've learned of some hidden conditions that are actually life threatening, like a disected aorta which may initially present at the scene with nothing more than taking a thump to the chest, and no real pain. EMTs are generally pretty good about knowing the sort of conditions that accompany these, and encouraging victims to go to the hospital, in my experience. I'll say for certain that if the medics are suggesting or urging going to the hospital -- I back 'em up. There's a difference between "we can transport you if you'd like, or you can just get checked out on your own..." and "we'd really like to take you to the ER to get checked out..."
"All-State-itis" is pretty common... and pretty unpopular with cops in my area, because it turns a simple fender bender where the drivers can exchange info and be on their way quickly into a 6 page crash report, and EMS response.

At the same time -- sometimes people don't realize their hurt for quite some time after the crash due to adrenaline. And we've learned of some hidden conditions that are actually life threatening, like a disected aorta which may initially present at the scene with nothing more than taking a thump to the chest, and no real pain. EMTs are generally pretty good about knowing the sort of conditions that accompany these, and encouraging victims to go to the hospital, in my experience. I'll say for certain that if the medics are suggesting or urging going to the hospital -- I back 'em up. There's a difference between "we can transport you if you'd like, or you can just get checked out on your own..." and "we'd really like to take you to the ER to get checked out..."
Well yeah okay but when a simple ambulance ride can cost upwards to $1000.00 and it's usually NOT covered by most insurance... it's usually the reason why folks say... "nah, I'll be alright!"
You tell me... these days standing around and just calling for help on your itty-bitty widdle cell phones is ENOUGH!??
(nothing personal against anyone mind you)

It's greed that makes people want to sue, it's those damn lawyers that say... to their clients... "hey! that guy could've hurt you pulling you out of that burning car/ stopping the bleeding from your neck/pulling you out of traffic with a bus coming only inches from your head/ etc./etc. "
It's also those damned judges that go ahead and award these things because the ambulance chaser made a damned good argument over common sense.

It's got to stop folks. It's why people don't get involved with each other anymore. It's why we're in a "don't touch me" type of society. It's why too many people call out for help and help doesn't come even if it's standing right beside them.

First thing we need to do ... is kill all the lawyers. ~Shakespeare

Hmm...and I know people, I like to call them do-gooders, that will call in a driver who is driving recklessly and continue to follow them. Now, if person A is driving fast, that tells me the do gooder calling 911 is driving like a fool as well to keep up with them.

I also find it interesting that these folks make the call, but when asked to file a formal complaint, hide in their shell and refuse. So, let me get this call 911 because this guys driving upsets you. You follow them, driving reckless as well. You don't want to see a cop?

Get the plate, the make and model of the vehicle, and give it to the dispatcher. If the cop finds it, great, if they don't, oh well.

Something to remember...its not my job, nor is it yours or anyone else, except the cops, EMS, firefighters, to involve themselves in a situation. Why play hero of the day, drive like a fool, risking not only your life, but anyone else in your vehicle, as well as others on the road? Especially if you don't want to follow the situation to the end, which means speaking to a cop to file an official complaint.

Hey, like I said, I'd rather be pulled from the car, and be in a wheelcahir for life, than burned alive, but just as long as the person is willing to accept what happens after that. I fall, possibly hurting my back or neck, and you lift me, causing further injury, whereas if I was lifted by a professional, I may not be paralyzed? The odds of a suit, especially if I was in no danger are pretty high.
One note: The ruling permits the lawsuit to go forward; it does not guarantee victory.

My understanding of Good Samaritan laws is that they are NOT universal protections for well meaning acts. The action you take must be within the scope of your training; I have no more business doing a tracheotomy (I saw one on MASH that they did using a penknife and pen tube!) or even moving someone from a car WITHOUT URGENT NEED than I do walking into a hospital room and playing doctor. Or a courtroom and playing lawyer. I'm trained as a first responder; my training has addressed likely situations, but I'm not a paramedic.

TV and movies have done a terrible disservice to us all; they've shown us that every car crash results in fire and explosion. Guess what? I've investigated several hundred crashes. I've responded to even more to assist my partners. I can count on one hand the number of crashes that led to a fire -- and I don't need any fingers to count the vehicle explosions. In fact, vehicle explosions are rare enough that they make the news just about anywhere. There's not a lot of need to go yanking people out of cars, as a general rule. There are exceptions... but generally, if you're doubt -- leave an injured person in the car.
Thanks for that... it confirms what I was (verbally) discussing the same thing with an EMS friend of mine said... cars rarely blow up and probably one of the best things to do should gasoline be found leaking is to (provided one is in the car -- and they recommend it, though very few people do) take your fire extinguisher and spray around underneath the car where gas is leaking... the powder/chemical helps cut down on the fumes that make a car go boom!
I don't hate lawyers as a person... I hate what they do, I hate how they have encouraged through their actions in courts to get people to want to chase materialistic idealism (or is it idealistic materialism?). To get as much out of the other guy as possible. Their ideals, their own greed knowing they'll get as much as 30 to 40 % of the take during a lawsuit.
As individuals no I don't hate them, I do hate how they've been allowed to run down common-sense law and turn frivolous matters into boo-koo bucks for them and their clients.
They through their actions even encourage juries to award X# of millions for spilt coffee, a broken nail, a momentary scare and all of those court cases we read about that get us to shake our heads.
Fall down a flight of steps... you're a clumsy idiot or just simply mistimed it... YOU did it not the hotel or casino or office... YOU through your own carelessness and misjudgment or just simply bad luck...

My father (who is deaf and blind and 80yrs old) about to sit down missed a chair at the doctor's office, fell backwards and crushed his L-5 vertebrae and has been in serious pain ever since. He misjudged the location of the chair and I who was distracted by the receptionist trying to get the next appointment date didn't see him about to fall until it was too late...
Did we run down to the lawyers office to sue the receptionist (for distracting me), the doctor (who hired the receptionist that distracted me), the office (where the incident took place and should've gotten better chairs), the entire flippin hospital where the office was located and then go after the chair manufacturer???
No. Thankfully his insurance covers any of the bills that we've now incurred because of that moment of clumsiness.

You misunderstood my ire... it is not at the people but what they DO, what they represent. Misaligned law practices and GREED.

Hate, personal or impersonal, leaves the same marks on both victim and hater.

Speaking of parents, consider this: The country our parents gave us was so great, with such potential to be even better, that even a plague of lawyers couldn't kill it. The fact that the USA is heading to Hell like it was on a sled going down Mount Fuji is not, and cannot be the fault of just one group....... not lawyers, not blacks, not Bilderbergers, not Jews, not Bill Clinton, not any other convenient target. The US becoming a terrible and failing place reflects the citizenry becoming terrible uncaring people who are failures.

The courts reflect some of what lawyers are and do, but more they reflect the society we've become. As I illustrated, many of the worst and stupidest actors in the legal system are not lawyers at all.

Lawyers only "run down common sense" when greedy clients provide the starters, citizens would rather chew their cuds in front of a TV than get involved/vote, juries fall for blatant nonsense, and the media is more fixed on being trashy than tribunes.