So..if Cop arrests her some in the public will complain "why can't you do what cops did back in the day, give them a ride home instead". Cop is bad.
Cop brings drunk girl home. He leaves and she gets in a car and kills herself. Public demands he lose his job and call him corrupt. You just cant win with the society we have today.
Fortunately the Judge tossed this....
The lawsuit blamed Smith for Leath's death in a car crash 45 minutes after Smith left her outside her parents' locked home. According to the judge's ruling, Leath, 23, had been involved in a brawl among a house full of young women, all of whom had been drinking.
The fight had concluded when Smith and Artymovich arrived. With no evidence to show who started the fight, the officers chose not to arrest anyone, but Smith offered to take Leath to her parents' home. When they arrived, the house was locked, and no one came to the door. Leath assured Smith she could gain entry via a hidden key, so Smith, who was captured on audio worrying over leaving Leath "intoxicated" outside, left, Bunning wrote.
Leath did not go inside the house, however, but instead wound up a passenger in a car driven by one of the women with whom she earlier had brawled. Leath was killed when her drunk friend crashed the car into a tree. A police report filed at the time indicated Leath may have contributed to the crash by again fighting with her friend in the car.
The lawsuit alleged Leath was drunk and high on prescription drugs when Smith dropped her off and faulted him for leaving her alone and "in danger." He owed her a duty of care once he chose to take her to her parents' home, the lawsuit alleged.
So..if Cop arrests her some in the public will complain "why can't you do what cops did back in the day, give them a ride home instead". Cop is bad.
Cop brings drunk girl home. He leaves and she gets in a car and kills herself. Public demands he lose his job and call him corrupt. You just cant win with the society we have today.
Fortunately the Judge tossed this....