Your Rights Online: Court Demands Private Facebook Data

Bob Hubbard

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Your Rights Online: Court Demands Private Facebook Data on Saturday March 14, @10:17PM

Posted by kdawson on Saturday March 14, @10:17PM
from the judge-is-your-new-friend dept.

Defeat Globalism writes in with a Canadian court decision that has ordered a man suing over injuries from a car accident to answer questions about content on his private "friends only" Facebook page. "Lawyers for Janice Roman, the defendant in the lawsuit, believe information posted on John Leduc's private Facebook site — normally accessible only to his approved 'friends' — may be relevant to his claim an accident in Lindsay in 2004 lessened his enjoyment of life. As a result of the ruling by Justice David Brown of Ontario's Superior Court of Justice, Leduc must now submit to cross-examination by Roman's lawyers about what his Facebook page contains. Brown's Feb. 20 ruling also makes clear that lawyers must now explain to their clients 'in appropriate cases' that postings on Facebook or other networking sites — such as MySpace, LinkedIn and even blogs — may be relevant to allegations in a lawsuit, said Tariq Remtulla, a Toronto lawyer who has been following the issue."

How can this be allowed since it is only to his private friends es'nt against his privacy act or something.
Hmmm. Toughy. On the one hand, as an anarchist I don't ever want government to have access to anything for any reason. On the other hand, if this was being adjudicated by a private justice system, and they supeanaed the documents, I'd probably say he should either hand them over or withdraw his complaint. He is after all the plaintiff. Shouldn't the defendant have access to that documentation if it can refute his accusation? Then again, that is priviledged information. They don't even know if any evidence exists, they just think it might so they want access. I don't know. Difficult situation.

You can't apply US privacy rules to Canada. They're much closer to England than the US -- and they don't have the extensive privacy protections contained in the US Constitution.

But it highlights a very important principle: Don't put something online that you wouldn't be able to handle being on the front page of the paper tomorrow.
You can't apply US privacy rules to Canada. They're much closer to England than the US -- and they don't have the extensive privacy protections contained in the US Constitution.

But it highlights a very important principle: Don't put something online that you wouldn't be able to handle being on the front page of the paper tomorrow.

Thanks I guess the Law rules for privacy is different in Canada. I would think it should be the same but then again I am a easy type of guy to get confused over it.
Never put online, what you wouldn't want coming back later.
Never put online, what you wouldn't want coming back later.

Good thing I try and stay away from online sites except Martial Talk I know Bob has our back if anything happens right Bob!!!!!
I comply with lawful court orders.
But I tend to ignore emails and phone calls from people claiming to be lawyers, cops, or govmt. officials making demands.
And I've never gotten a lawful court order yet.

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