Study On Street Fights?

I've actually tried to find studies on this and found none. I did read a good article in "Combat" magazine that related to it though. It initially was about how grapplers claim the 90% of all fights end up on the ground. That's a bunch of hooey.

A study done by the Los Angeles police department found that 64% of all attempted apprehensions where the criminal resisted ended up going to the ground. Attempted apprehensions aren't street fights though.

I think the answer is really simple actually. On any given day, any given person, can defeat any other person. What you can do to increase your chances of survival or victory is to train and practice. I would reccomend doing so in all ranges...striking as well as ground fighting as well as weapon defense and defense against multiple attackers (A former marine in Atlanta just took on 5 would-be gang-bangers killing one and putting another in intensive care. The gang-bangers had a shotgun, a pistol, and a pair of brass knucks...the marine had a pocket knife!) The more you train the better your chances will be...but there is no garauntee...unless you have a crystal ball or something. LOL
MardiGras Bandit said:
Damn Dark, you must be a complete badass! How many people have you killed, I mean, you are still alive so you must have killed some. After all, a guy who mouths off to you in line at the grocery store is clearly intending on a kill or be killed situation. They sell box cutters at grocery stores too, so there is a good chance he's got a weapon.

Nope a complete dumbass for being in those situations... There are two types of people barkers and biter. Barkers are the people who assert dominance through talking and acting tough. Biters are the guys who just hit first and talk trash to you unconscious body.
Streetfighters go around looking for a fight, any pretext or excuse to asert thier dominance. And it's always about dominance, image and being tougher then the next guy.
If you see every as possibly having a weapon, then you are safer then waiting on them to pull it and prove it right/wrong..? Exspect the worst and hope for the best, and if that fails ask why you weren't cheating harder...

MardiGras Bandit said:
Marc McYoung has a decent site, though I think he gets a little Lieutenant X at times. The problem is that even though he presents his arguments about streetfighting well, they are still just conjecture. Much like everyone else, he doesn't have any evidence to back his opinions up. That's why a study would be helpful, it would provide some type of valid basis for these arguments.

The problem is a) your talking streetfighting a different animal then say self-defense situations and b) your talking mentally disturbed individuals. You can't study how many knife fights were for money, robbery or how many were for ego. But you can study the sum total of knife related assaults and murders.
If you wonna know about street fighting, then go do it. Otherwise a bunch guys with no real experience in the act, discussing ideas on what it might or may be is like a virgin giving sex advise.

Lets make this simple, how do you define a street fight? What is the core definition of a streetfight? And what is the target mental make up of those streetfighting? Lets go with breaking it down a scientific...
You are forgetting one group in there. The guys that are both barkers AND biters. A lot of guys that are big, drunk, and shooting their mouth off can fight. They may not have a nice fighting style but can win a streetfight with a sucker punch or by just brawling. I would never, ever assume that some guy is all bark and no bite. A lot of guys that bark, do so because they know they can bite.
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