So the army website is wrong and you are right?
you cant sell that to anybody sorry.
You're missing what's being said. It's not a matter of me being right, the website being wrong, or anything of the kind... instead, it's a matter of differing contexts and emphasis due to intended audience. I'm not recruiting for the army, so I'm looking a little more generally at what a soldier is. You might note that former and current military personnel seem to be agreeing with me, rather than you here… so that might be a clue.
I'm sorry… are you telling me what I actually meant? Dude… no. I said that the aim is not to make a soldier into a "top-level warrior"… which clearly differentiates them from each other.
In other words, no. They are not the same thing in the context of this discussion.
Reducing the system to something that people who fight can use. And that people who do fight use.
Look, to be completely blunt here, you're missing pretty much everything still. I'll put it this way… being able to fight isn't always the aim, or even important… but, at the same time, it's central. However, what that means is that most of this is actually backwards to what you think it is. It's not a matter of reducing things to something "people who fight" can use… it's a matter of people who fought coming up with, and refining, what worked.
If nobody uses your system or understands it. It is kind of a pointless exercise. Even if it had relevance. Which so far you haven't shown.
Er… what? I have no idea where you're getting some of these ideas from here… if nobody uses my system? What? If nobody understands it? Dude, what are you going on about?
And here is the point of it you may have a martial mindset. But there is no link to it helping you in a fight. Which makes that mindset only relevant to your martial art.
Okay, I've mentioned the idea of "frogs in a well" a few times… I think it might be time to explain that one.
It's an old Chinese story, although the sentiment is found in Japan as well… and basically, it goes along these lines: A frog lived in the bottom of a well… happy and content. One day, a turtle came along, and called down to the frog "Hey, down there… would you like to come up here?"
"Why would I want to do that?" replied the frog. "Down here is paradise! I know the entire universe! I have tall walls that are solid and unbreakable… there is mud for me to jump in, a pool to wet my feet in, grubs for me to eat, and a circle of light above me. What else is there to the world than this?"
The turtle heard this, and shook his head… "But it's so small! The pond you talk of is nothing compared to the ocean, which is greater and more vast than your eyes will ever see… the walls are short and stop you from being in the bigger world… the circle of light is but a tiny fraction of the enormity of the sky… come up and see the real world!"
The frog heard this, and realised that what he thought was the world was nothing but a small hole in the ground… safe, but small.
The moral is simple… the frog had a very limited exposure, but felt that he knew what the entire universe was. He was, however, completely ignorant of everything outside the well.
What I'm saying here is that yes, it's to do with my martial art… but you are so completely unaware of what that is, what is entailed in that, and how it all relates to "fighting" that these claims you're making some very odd assumptions that only have basis in your own lack of understanding and ability to comprehend what you've been told multiple times now.
My argument is that the goal orientation the professionalism and confidence is a fighting mindset. Rather than achieving some mystical state of enlightened fight readiness through specialized training.
And our argument is that, no, those aspects are not a "fighting mindset", and that your idea of there being some "mystical state of enlightened fight readiness" is based only in your ignorance of what's being discussed, not in anything anyone has said here.
Ok. Who uses or understands these concepts?
people who actually get into fights would be nice.
Do you want historical accounts, or present day ones? There are plenty of both, for the record…
Why are the mindsets so different? They are both designed to equip you to handle conflict.
You do understand what different contexts are, yeah?
Ok then. How do you develop a mindset that prepares you to fight people?
Once again, that's really not the point. You're looking at it all from the wrong side of things.
What kind of mind set do you think you should develop?
For what?