It's so funny that when you trainI often slide my rear foot with heel down if needed.
I tend to be more heels down if grappling is going to be involved. I will go heel's up if I think I can afford to be mobile over longer distances.
- static punch, if your back foot slides, that's a NO NO.
- dynamic punch, if your back foot does not slide, that's also a NO NO.
In striking art, you can coordinate your punch with your leading foot landing. When you hop in your leading foot, your back foot function has completed. Your back foot no longer needs to have heel on the ground.
But if you coordinate your punch with your back foot pushing into the ground, that's a completely different situation.
The praying mantis system likes to slide back foot forward into monkey stance with 30% weight on the back foot. Many MA system slide back foot with heel down with 70% (or 60%) weight on the back leg.
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