Truth needs to be proven, or it is not even in the realm of truth.
Apparently that kind of talk upsets people.
So the best explanation I got was from this guy.
"Ok.. so..
Truth is analytic, so generally it applies to propositions..
Truth is usually a quality of propositions
There are ‘kinds’ of truth
For example a truth can be conditional
“Today is Sunday” is false
But there will be conditions where that will be true
Facts are empirical observations, like ‘that car is red’
So in science it would go in this order
Speculation really
Then fact,
Empirical observation
Example, fish species a swims better in 29 degree water then 30 degree water
Inferences are greater then fact, but can be wrong, inference have the ability of prediction, they are considered higher then fact because multiple facts are required to make an inference
Fact 1
Fish x survive better in 29 degrees
Fact 2
Pond 1 is 32 degrees
Fact 3
Pond 2 is 29 degrees
Fish x will survive better in pond 2 then pond 1
Then above fact you have laws, like the law of gravity, it is true across all times and is completely consistent
Then above law you have.. believe it or not theory
(When people say ‘that’s just a theory’ they mean to say, ‘that’s just a hypothesis’)
Theories require multiple laws, and sometimes inferences between laws
The theory of relativity describes and contains many laws
Don’t quote me on this one, I think if it’s a priori (usually maths) they are called Theroms
Eg, a triangle has 3 sides
And if they are a posteriori they are usually empirical
So science uses models to describe the natural world
Logic uses deduction from premises to conclusions
(Though premise are not usually deductive, they usually use inductive or analogical reasoning for example)
So if you think of a word like necessary, it’s an analytical word, if something is necessary, it means for it not to be true there is a contradiction..
My brother is male is necessarily TRUE because if it was false, there would be a contradiction
So terms like ‘true’ typically are analytical, so they are logical in nature, they refer to reasoning using mathematical deduction
And terms like Fact are scientific in nature, they refer to empirical observations
Colloquially, they are all misused
But.. in conclusion you’re a right
To bring ‘memory’ into it makes it more stupid and nonsensical.. You’re then in the field of cognitive science, you’re talking about the equipment we see the work through
Challenging memory is like saying the telescope is broken in science
Propositions need to be falsifiable in science..
10 mins ago, the whole world was created, including your memories, including historical facts.. you can’t falsify it, not can you verify it
Clams about memory should be made in the fields cognitive science, psychology, philosophy of mind, maybe law
Claims about truth should be made in the field of logic
Claims about facts belong to science"