Speaking of over regulation


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
San Jose California

A bill to make spanking illegal.

Ah I know it is unpopular but I honestly feel the problem with many adults is the direct lack of consequences as children.

I love the responsible parents must give up their rights to discipline their children for the ones that are being beaten every day.

A child that runs up and punches me at 8 should FEAR FOR HIS LIFE I AM GOING TO KILL HIM. Granted I wouldn't but if he doesn't think that he will just continue to do it.

Spank not less your kids be terrors.

We have similar bills being discussed in various states here in Australia.

This over legislation is really symptomatic of our (ie society's) desire to not be responsible for anything. If we discipline our children they might turn out to be bullies or much worse. On the other hand if we don't and they run wild and grow up thugs and criminals then we're not to blame because the 'law' said we couldn't control them.

Of course, there are other effective ways of disciplining a child that does not involve corporal punishment. I'm just presenting the sorts of arguements that will be thrown around if such laws come into being.
this hits the same point as that thread where an instructor was too uncomfortable to hug his students.

those people who inappropriately beat their children have hurt our society by creating a generation of adults afraid to discipline their kids. and thus a generation of adults with no real sense of resposibility.

spanking is like any other form of violence. almost never the best course of action. almost always the result of an unresourceful or lazy mind. but sometimes the quickest and most effective means of making sure some things never happen again.

A bill to make spanking illegal.

Ah I know it is unpopular but I honestly feel the problem with many adults is the direct lack of consequences as children.

I love the responsible parents must give up their rights to discipline their children for the ones that are being beaten every day.

A child that runs up and punches me at 8 should FEAR FOR HIS LIFE I AM GOING TO KILL HIM. Granted I wouldn't but if he doesn't think that he will just continue to do it.

Spank not less your kids be terrors.

You know the original "Rule Of Thumb" meant you couldn't beat your wife with a stick any thicker than your thumb. Spank not less you wives be terrors. Ahhhh, the good old days.

A bill to make spanking illegal.

Ah I know it is unpopular but I honestly feel the problem with many adults is the direct lack of consequences as children.

I love the responsible parents must give up their rights to discipline their children for the ones that are being beaten every day.

A child that runs up and punches me at 8 should FEAR FOR HIS LIFE I AM GOING TO KILL HIM. Granted I wouldn't but if he doesn't think that he will just continue to do it.

Spank not less your kids be terrors.


That is why finger locks and joint locks to just manipualte the chld gets their attention, does not lasting harm (* not done to pain, just to the WOW someone else has control of me which requires being able to let go and also rolling from one to the next so they just feel tied up *) which allows the child to realize that I am serious. I have never had to use this more than once. Well except on one child who thought it was fun, in which cas then it became a game, but the child was a well behaved child normally and also did listen to me. Note: This was done only to my nieces and nephews and close friends children and almost always in front of the parents, who thought it was an interesting way to confront the child with out being abusive or causing them a major trauma.

Yet if I had children I would prefer the option to have spanking for those he needed it.
You know the original "Rule Of Thumb" meant you couldn't beat your wife with a stick any thicker than your thumb. Spank not less you wives be terrors. Ahhhh, the good old days.
I don't think those last five words, in this context, are funny.
I don't think those last five words, in this context, are funny.
I agree....

My two cents...I was spanked, but the way I was spanked was really just my mom putting me over her knee and hitting her own hand which was rest palm up on my behind....no lasting harm came to me and it was effective....

When I was young I would misbehave in church all the time...so I would get spanked...I was told if I behaved I would get a reward, so I behaved, my reward was all my mom had handy, a life saver.....the next week I was bad again...my mom asked me what happened, I was so good the previous week, my response was the reward wasn't worth it...
I agree....

My two cents...I was spanked, but the way I was spanked was really just my mom putting me over her knee and hitting her own hand which was rest palm up on my behind....no lasting harm came to me and it was effective....

When I was young I would misbehave in church all the time...so I would get spanked...I was told if I behaved I would get a reward, so I behaved, my reward was all my mom had handy, a life saver.....the next week I was bad again...my mom asked me what happened, I was so good the previous week, my response was the reward wasn't worth it...
Negative reinforcement is generaly a dead end.
I'll be quite honest, I was beaten with whatever was at hand...
My mother is a small woman, and I'm not a small man, nor was I a small boy...I got the point by age 10...Do as your told, and you won't get beat...That's quite an old-school approach, but it worked...I turned out somewhat all right. We do spank our children, but only when they absolutely need it...I will NEVER discipline my children the way that I was disciplined(mentally and physically), and that could be the most important thing that I learned from my mother's discipline...
Recently, my four year old was bitten on the arm hard enough to leave a mark by a 2 year old at daycare. Apparently, the sitter bit the child back hard enough to leave a mark. Not too sure how I feel about that, yet.

Personally, I believe that violence begets violence. I don't believe that using violence as a punishment or deterrent teaches children appropriate social behaviours - I'd rather reason, take away privileges, use time outs, etc. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking that violence is the solution to others' wrongdoings. However, this is only my personal opinion.

I can certainly agree that society needs to protect others from abuse. However, I have a difficult time understanding how all instances of spanking can be categorized as abuse. In that regard, my feelings on this type of legislation are the same as the same sex issue: as I believe the government plays no role in my bedroom, similarily, they should have no role in how I parent my children. As long as abuse is outlawed, I see no reason to regulate parental discipline any further.

For crying out loud, we've come a long way as a species thus far withstanding far harsher home environments on the whole....
Recently, my four year old was bitten on the arm hard enough to leave a mark by a 2 year old at daycare. Apparently, the sitter bit the child back hard enough to leave a mark. Not too sure how I feel about that, yet.

Personally, I believe that violence begets violence. I don't believe that using violence as a punishment or deterrent teaches children appropriate social behaviours - I'd rather reason, take away privileges, use time outs, etc. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking that violence is the solution to others' wrongdoings. However, this is only my personal opinion.

I can certainly agree that society needs to protect others from abuse. However, I have a difficult time understanding how all instances of spanking can be categorized as abuse. In that regard, my feelings on this type of legislation are the same as the same sex issue: as I believe the government plays no role in my bedroom, similarily, they should have no role in how I parent my children. As long as abuse is outlawed, I see no reason to regulate parental discipline any further.

For crying out loud, we've come a long way as a species thus far withstanding far harsher home environments on the whole....

There's a line. I think I would have that sitter's job.

As for the legislation, it applies to parents. Ever give your 2 or 3 year old a pop on the behind in the grocery store to get their attention because they're doing what 2 and 3 year olds do? That would be a criminal act if this legislation passed.

We have plenty of laws to protect children from abuse. This goes into the "we know better than you do, so we're going to pass a law" category.
I would agree that spanking is a last resort how ever did you read the article where the kicked the parents off the plane for the 4 year old tantrum?

If you are not allowed to impress how serious you are trying to be to a child that could cause problems. Timeouts and what not are a way to indicate displeasure but if a child is doing something that could result in a very dangerious situation, and you have tried all the other approaches. I think a few swats indicates they have crossed yet a new and far more serious boundry.

I know my mom only smacked me once and I can tell you it stunned me and made me quite long enough for her to extricate us both from the situation.

The end result is that regulating us to the point we are helpless in any one area is a trend that needs to reverse.
I see a general lack of respect and discipline in the younger generation that I think is directly related to the decline in corporal punishment. I've heard things come out of teen-agers' mouths that would've got my face slapped to the back of my head when I was that age.
I see a general lack of respect and discipline in the younger generation that I think is directly related to the decline in corporal punishment. I've heard things come out of teen-agers' mouths that would've got my face slapped to the back of my head when I was that age.
Because their parents openly resent authority, its no suprise you will see that behavior in their children.
I am a very strong believer in discipline. My kids were expected to behave in an appropriate manner, to do what was expected of them, and "No" meant "No." Period. No whining or bargaining. Now I have two wonderful teenagers, great students, athletes, and compassionate, decent human beings. I never lifted a hand to either one of them.

Discipline doesn't have to mean hitting, and in fact, I think hitting a little kid is stupid and a very bad example.