What I am talking about is a tori and a tori. And to this date - a strained wrist (me) is the most serious injury. No one has been lost due to being seriously hurt.
Really? You sure about that?
Perhaps you should let us know what your sparring experience is... If it is little to none - then you need to preface your comments with that disclaimer.
I will answer this last question after I get a reply to your experience with full intent, realistic speed free response....
I have done free response with both bare hands and weapons, with multiple attackers, and with muto dori. IÂ’m not saying IÂ’m an expert, IÂ’m not saying IÂ’m completely unskilled. Like most of us I fall somewhere in between.
We did some free response with padded swords after a seminar this weekend one on one, then two on one. Lending substance to my "sparring is fake and leads to bad habits idea" were the both higher and no ranked people jumping in to try to hit you even though you were holding what should have been viewed as a three foot razor blade.
People wonÂ’t ever treat a padded sword or a shinai as a real weapon. Its fake, its been fake every time IÂ’ve seen it, and if you do it with bokken or metal blades people are going to get hurt.
Same with free response. If you take two guys and sit them on the mat to do free response you donÂ’t get any semblance of a real fight. You get usually two guys staying far away from each other stalking around, or an uncontrolled melee where you wonder if the people actually trained at all.
What is this supposed to be teaching them?
I am glad no one has ever gotten hurt seriously, but in watching some of SokeÂ’s videos, and remembering him talking in person he talks about breaking ukeÂ’s molars, fingers, ribs, etc just in regular training. None of us are Soke, and being of lesser skill can lead to mistakes being made in free response/sparring = people injured
Lance -
Since you were on the board this morning and still haven't posted your free-response experience - I will assume it is rather limited and you are speaking from the "theory" level. If I am incorrect - please remedy that.
Sorry I didn't answer you in an amout of time you wanted me to, but I went to a seminar to actually train, not just talk about it.
On to the second part - which is people getting hurt. Until you have trained this way - you won't understand how hard it is to "hurt" an accomplished fighter. This requires no more explanation - as you either understand this or you don't. If you don't - rest easy - it is probably easier to sleep at night thinking your techniques are soooo deadly that no one can take them.
No one is hard to hurt, no one is hard to kill. We all eat, breathe and crap the same. If you think otherwise I hope for your own sake your teacher knocks your ego a few notches before someone proves my theory. Skilled fighters in the military can get blown up just like anyone else, can catch a bullet, a knife in the back, or even a boot to the head. Someone who is a very skilled fighter can still suffer from a condition or disease (sometimes that they dont' even know about) that could make them collapse suddenly when a conflict comes on, even if they have been involved in multiple conflicts before. Blunt force trauma to the skull, or a knife in the ribs pretty much gets everyone.
No one here is superman, hell even superman wasn't superman cause he's dead.
I don't think my techniques are deadly this or to good to be countered that. I just train and try to get a little bit better and learn a little bit more every day, nothing more nothing less. Just because I disagree with your idea of a training point, and have my own opinions does not mean that I have an ego problem, or that you should start the internet trend of beginning to bellitle someone just because they disagree with you.
Since you were on the board this morning and still haven't posted your free-response experience - I will assume it is rather limited and you are speaking from the "theory" level.
I just wanted to comment, and forgive me for saying so because its out of character for me, that this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen posted on a martial arts forum. Just because I didn't post when I logged on means I must have limited experience in what we are discussing?
Perhaps another way of thinking about it is maybe I didn't have time to post and was planning on posting later, or logged on and got busy. Might need to open your mind to other ways of thinking bro, that was just sad and pathetic.
While I disagree with your ideas of sparring here, I wont' become involved in an e-budo style flame vs. flame about it. At my current level of experience I feel its not a valuable tool for our arts for the reasons I have stated. Disagreeing with you should not be viewed as a personal attack, and I've said all I wish to on the issue.