Wing Chun Sparring

I will return the favour- I don't think I have ever gleaned anything useful from your postings and there are more important things to do in life than churn through yet more of them. Goodbye
I have learned from typing pages and pages of explanation that it usually donesn't make any difference. In fact I think it might have been conversing with you KPM that led me to adopt a more abbreviated style.

As it happens I don't find it a problem if you don't understand something. If you wish to understand then you will need to make more of an effort. But you don't wish to understand really, so here we are

Well, there is a way to engage people in conversation that is productive and leads to further conversation, and there is a way that turns people off and ends up in an argument every time. To start with, whenever you adopt the attitude that you are right and everyone else is wrong, you are getting off on the wrong foot right away. It quickly becomes clear that no matter what anyone else has to say, you have no intention of even trying to see where they are coming from or the point they are trying to make. This is what leads to long drawn out threads were nothing is really accomplished other than everyone getting ticked off. That is not a "friendly" discussion. Short terse responses that don't really answer questions posed to you and don't really elaborate on what you are saying to try and clear up possible misunderstandings also lead to drawn out back and forth exchanges where you are "talking past" the other person. Also not within the definition of a "friendly" discussion. Having the attitude that you can't really be bothered to elaborate on a point or more clearly explain yourself doesn't help. Also not within the definition of a "friendly" discussion. Not taking the time to read someone else's posts (assuming you've even read this far)....also not in the definition of a "friendly" discussion. But man....just use one "bad word" and look out! The mods will come for you! ;)
It's right here in this thread, and several others.

Tell you what, ask me a question about what you don't understand and I will do my best to help
Okay, that's completely non-sequitur. You suggested I send you a private message, and I said nobody else would be able to read that. Where was I unclear in that?
Well, there is a way to engage people in conversation that is productive and leads to further conversation, and there is a way that turns people off and ends up in an argument every time. To start with, whenever you adopt the attitude that you are right and everyone else is wrong, you are getting off on the wrong foot right away. It quickly becomes clear that no matter what anyone else has to say, you have no intention of even trying to see where they are coming from or the point they are trying to make. This is what leads to long drawn out threads were nothing is really accomplished other than everyone getting ticked off. That is not a "friendly" discussion. Short terse responses that don't really answer questions posed to you and don't really elaborate on what you are saying to try and clear up possible misunderstandings also lead to drawn out back and forth exchanges where you are "talking past" the other person. Also not within the definition of a "friendly" discussion. Having the attitude that you can't really be bothered to elaborate on a point or more clearly explain yourself doesn't help. Also not within the definition of a "friendly" discussion. Not taking the time to read someone else's posts (assuming you've even read this far)....also not in the definition of a "friendly" discussion. But man....just use one "bad word" and look out! The mods will come for you! ;)

Ok KPM, I will try harder. I didn't start with the belief that long answers were not worth typing, I just learned it over time. Happy to give it another go
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