Sparring with a judo guy


Master Black Belt
So tonight in training a judo guy turned up and I was sparring with him first he asked me what the rules were for face contact so I told him the rules we had (very minimal light contact mainly to the side of the head no direct face punches) he nodded and said okay.

So we start touch gloves what does this guy do throws 2 hard punches to my face one connecting on my nose one right on my teeth. I was annoyed and I could've gone after him harder but I just told him to lighten up. We carried on and since he's not a striker I was keeping at range with jabs and body kicks and he was getting annoyed, from before I started I could see he was quite an arrogant person and thought he'd come in and dominate everyone. Anyway at one point the strap on my glove came loose so I stepped back and held my hands up indicating it. He stopped so I went to fix it as I did he sucker punched me in the face. Now that did piss me off and the coach saw it and had a go at him the guy said I don't give a **** I'm a world champ I'll do what I like. The coach just kicked him out which was a shame because if he hadnt and we'd carried on I would not have been as nice as I had been.

I was more annoyed about his arrogance saying he could what he wanted because he was high level in judo it was just an irritating experience which I just wanted to share
Seems like his pride sprain is going to take a lot less never to heal than your face did.

So much easier said than done, but kicking the guy out was the best move by far. Perhaps a professional courtesy call to whoever coaches him to inform him/her of their student's behavior is in order. Not that that's guaranteed to change anything.
Seems like his pride sprain is going to take a lot less never to heal than your face did.

So much easier said than done, but kicking the guy out was the best move by far. Perhaps a professional courtesy call to whoever coaches him to inform him/her of their student's behavior is in order. Not that that's guaranteed to change anything.
Yeah his punches were nothing anyway my 10 year sister has punched me harder than that guy did lol
Seems like his pride sprain is going to take a lot less never to heal than your face did.

I dunno about that, I could easily see him going back to his dojo puffing his chest and being like "so I went to this kickboxing gym downtown and started sparring with these guys and I whooped their asses so bad they had to throw me out to stop me from embarrassing all of their toughest guys. Then we measured dicks and of course mines bigger than all of theirs combined hahaha what a bunch of pussies"
Wow. There are no words. Rule #1 when visiting another school: be respectful. I don't think Professor Kano would be proud of such a person. Way to represent one's art. SMH.
The guy needs to learn to chill out. Anytime you enter a dojo or a gym your ego should be waiting outside the door.
Except of course sleeveless shirts and big muscles on display. :cool:

Just had to, sorry.

Yeah maybe I am not the best person to be pointing that out, but maybe that says something about the individual, if even someone like me can say he has an ego problem.
Yeah maybe I am not the best person to be pointing that out, but maybe that says something about the individual, if even someone like me can say he has an ego problem.

I meant no disrespect at all. Besides, you do not harm anyone else by walking in sleeveless gi/shirt. This guy was willing to harm someone not for practise or for revenge, but purely for his own ego boost.
I dunno about that, I could easily see him going back to his dojo puffing his chest and being like "so I went to this kickboxing gym downtown and started sparring with these guys and I whooped their asses so bad they had to throw me out to stop me from embarrassing all of their toughest guys. Then we measured dicks and of course mines bigger than all of theirs combined hahaha what a bunch of pussies"

That's all part of him trying to heal his injured pride. Trying to cover up his insecurity and all that stuff.
pain is a great teacher I cant stand jerks like that I would have taught him a little lesson when he hit me the first time and I would have just asked my coach let him stya it will be ok and then I would have made him wish he hadn't have hit me that hard
Somehow... I am seriously doubting that the guy was a world champion judoka.... just doesn't feel right.

Not even a state champ, it doesn't fit. Hell, probably never even won a 1st in a local tournament, I bet. If there is one thing that judo teaches, its respect for the other dude, as you just get whomped every damn day in practice, even when you are in front, you're still getting whomped from time to time. It's very like baseball in win-loss percentage.

So, I call BS. Not on the tale told by the OP, but on the guy in the tale being a champ of anything but his own imagination.

Why is a judo guy in a KB gym anyway? He should know he's going to get poked a bit. It happens. New rules, takes some time to get it.

But... don't let them grabblers get to a'grabbling at ya though. Things go south in a big damn hurry.

LOL! I resemble that remark.