Senior Master
Don't worry. Everyone experiences weaknesses everywhere. But you will learn to adapt, especially if you know the blocks. The more you get hit, the more that the brain, body and mind will adapt to stop you from getting hit. But a key thing for this to happen is be steady on your feet. You can't expect to learn how to dodge, or use your feet to block or dodge if you can't keep your balance. Take a friend or some guy at your gym to do the same attack over and over and over at different speeds so that you find a visual queue for the attack. But remember to find the visual queue for the attack itself, not the person attacking you. Don't concentrate on learning the person and attempting to "feel out" when they will hit; concentrate on reacting. The best way to do this is to look directly at your opponent's eyes. In any situation, the eyes is where you want to be looking.
My balance is solid, even in movement. I think it's mainly the footwork where the issue is. One thing I should have said in the beginning is that my goal is to stay away from using HANDS to block FEET. I want to rely on one of three things: (1) distance to move out of range of the kick, (2) footwork to bridge the distance and cut the kick's power, or (3) developing good enough reflexes to stop a kick WITH a kick.