Tony said:
OK i was sparring in class monday and just a brief background I study Shaolin Long Fist and wing chun and I am trying to adapt the Wing chun into my sparring. I have been in our club teh longest out of most people but still there are people who think they can give me advice, fair enough if my knowledge is lacking! But i guess i hate being told what i'm doing wrong by people who haven't been training as long as me. Ok so i was sparring this guy who has been training out art for 3.5 years and he has just started Thai boxing! He seems to love full on sparring. I remember he was teasing me a guy because he didn't want to enter competitions. But i ask you all isn't Martial arts more than just fighting otherwise whats the point? So i was using a Wing Chun guard while sparring with thim and he was just givign me some shots whcih didn't get through due to my wing chun training and he was telling me i should keep my hands closer to my face because he coudl put a lock on me. But also i have learnt economy of motion form Wing chun so by the end of our match he was sweating, puffing and panting and i hardly broke a sweat because i made him do all the work!
Is this just a rant? Or is there a question in there?
I've gotta make two observations:
First, depending on the circumstances and timing, anyone may have valid advice for you. You've got the experience; listen to what they say. Maybe they've seen something that you've missed. Or, simply tell them something like "I'm working on something else right now..."
Second, if I read you right, it seems like you kinda made the point to him that just maybe you do know what you're doing... You wore him out, and you were landing shots when he wasn't, right?
My instructor once told us a story... There were two well known, highly skilled martial artists in a town. For years, people would urge them to fight so that they could see who was best, and they would desist. After all, they both were confident in their own right. Well, finally, one day, the younger master has had one too many person urge him to fight the other. (I suspect that the urging wasn't so friendly...and was more taunting.) He sees the older warrior, and as they get close, the younger fighter launches his best, fastest and most devastating strike. The older master simply slips around the strike, lays his arm around the other's shoulder, and comments "We don't really need to fight, do we?"