SONY pulls the movie.

Isn't there that thing that you are actually at war as no peace agreement has been signed but there is an armistice?

We were never at war with North Korea. That was a UN action that the US, as members of the UN, supported.
We were never at war with North Korea. That was a UN action that the US, as members of the UN, supported.

Ah cheers for that, it probably means we are all still at war with the whole of Korea....that could be tricky!
Couple things worth mentioning here; The US Government said they saw no evidence of an actual threat so SONY pulled this all by themselves and I am guessing it had more to do with publicity than actual fear or concern for its possible viewing audience.

As for US intelligence hacking into and carry out surveillance of computers throughout the US and around the world; There is pretty much not a single country, that has the capability, that isn't doing the exact same thing, including China, Russia, England, Germany, etc. It is just the US got exposed by Snowden. However the fact that virtually everyone is doing it is not a justification and it does not make it right but the reality is the US ain't alone in this... but we are one of the 3 biggest dogs out there (cyberspace) at the moment

IMHO the whole premise for this film is silly and ill-timed if for nothing else the current world situation and the number of conflicts around the planet not to mention tensions with North Korea and some of our allies that are in close proximity to North Korea as well as the current political climate of North Korea's largest, and somewhat reluctant allies
Isn't there that thing that you are actually at war as no peace agreement has been signed but there is an armistice?
Not sure that technically the US was at war. Although 90% of foreign troops fighting for the South were US, I think it was a UN force if my memory serves me right. So the war is still there but just between the North and the South.
Wow. Blaming the North Koreans to save face for the fact that too many corners were cut out of an IT budget, resulting in an underdesigned network. This is exciting. I hardly ever get to say "That's a new one on me."

Does North Korea even have an ISP -- let alone enough fuel to keep the damn thing online? Oh sorry. I shouldn't let logic that get in the way of a truly epic excuse for an utterly embarassing, and undoubtedly preventable situation.
Couple things worth mentioning here; The US Government said they saw no evidence of an actual threat so SONY pulled this all by themselves and I am guessing it had more to do with publicity than actual fear or concern for its possible viewing audience.

As for US intelligence hacking into and carry out surveillance of computers throughout the US and around the world; There is pretty much not a single country, that has the capability, that isn't doing the exact same thing, including China, Russia, England, Germany, etc. It is just the US got exposed by Snowden. However the fact that virtually everyone is doing it is not a justification and it does not make it right but the reality is the US ain't alone in this... but we are one of the 3 biggest dogs out there (cyberspace) at the moment

IMHO the whole premise for this film is silly and ill-timed if for nothing else the current world situation and the number of conflicts around the planet not to mention tensions with North Korea and some of our allies that are in close proximity to North Korea as well as the current political climate of North Korea's largest, and somewhat reluctant allies
I almost doubt North Korea made the threat. I think we got "Sonied".
Wow. Blaming the North Koreans to save face for the fact that too many corners were cut out of an IT budget, resulting in an underdesigned network.

The FBI has confirmed that it was N. Korea and that it was a govt.-level incursion--beyond what one might reasonably expect to face.
The FBI has confirmed that it was N. Korea and that it was a govt.-level incursion--beyond what one might reasonably expect to face.

That might be the most interesting thing to come from the feds since the NTSB reported that the names of the pilots on board the Asiana Airlines flight that crashed at SFO were “Sum Ting Wong,” “Wi Tu Lo,” “Ho Lee Fuk,” and “Bang Ding Ow.”
Wow. Blaming the North Koreans to save face for the fact that too many corners were cut out of an IT budget, resulting in an underdesigned network. This is exciting. I hardly ever get to say "That's a new one on me."

Does North Korea even have an ISP -- let alone enough fuel to keep the damn thing online? Oh sorry. I shouldn't let logic that get in the way of a truly epic excuse for an utterly embarassing, and undoubtedly preventable situation.

North Korea does have Cyber warfare capabilities (it is just not one of the big 3) and it has a hacker university too. But most of its operations are run out of a hotel on mainland China (I kid you not). And the reason for that is you are right, North Korea does not really have the infrastructure in it's own country. So it is very possible that N Korea is responsible for the SONY hack, and to be honest I would not be surprised if it really was..
Wow. Blaming the North Koreans to save face for the fact that too many corners were cut out of an IT budget, resulting in an underdesigned network. This is exciting. I hardly ever get to say "That's a new one on me."

Does North Korea even have an ISP -- let alone enough fuel to keep the damn thing online? Oh sorry. I shouldn't let logic that get in the way of a truly epic excuse for an utterly embarassing, and undoubtedly preventable situation.
I love you carol, but you're not even close.
Perhaps though it was a really bad film and this was the excuse they needed to cancel it without losing face. A comedy nobody laughed at would be terrible besides if they claim it was because of the cyber attack they may get insurance back on it.

in which case Adam Sandler would have stopped five movies ago.
Personally, I wasn't all that interested in seeing the film before, but I'd go see it now just as a "**** off" to the North Koreans.
I do agree that it wasn't real bright to make a film about assassinating a nations leader. It would have been smarter (and wouldn't have affected the plot at all) to invent a country and leader.

did they kill Kim jong ill. (pretend i spelled that right) in team America.
did they kill Kim jong ill. (pretend i spelled that right) in team America.

Apparently so, or at least tried to (I had never heard of the movie until today) but I think there's an obvious difference between a small-time flick that grossed less than 33 million total in the US and a movie that might be expected to gross more than that in the first weekend.

In other words, if they've never heard of it, they're not going to squak about it.