SONY pulls the movie.


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
SONY has canceled the release of the comedy "The Interview", permanently.

This is unprecedented in so many ways. As a crazed film buff, I'm seriously bummed. I try not get involved in world politics, but when you start messing with movies you go to far.

Just as bad - The United States has lost it's very first cyber-war.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?
Perhaps though it was a really bad film and this was the excuse they needed to cancel it without losing face. A comedy nobody laughed at would be terrible besides if they claim it was because of the cyber attack they may get insurance back on it.
The film has had some bad reviews, so no surprised it's been pulled. This is the least of them. The Interview Film Review Sony Hack James Franco Seth Rogen Star

this one doesn't mince his words lol.
Scott Foundas, Variety
"North Korea can rest easy: America comes off looking at least as bad as the DPRK in “The Interview,” an alleged satire that’s about as funny as a communist food shortage, and just as protracted. For all its pre-release hullabaloo – including two big thumbs down from Sony hackers the Guardians of Peace – this half-baked burlesque about a couple of cable-news bottom-feeders tasked with assassinating Korean dictator Kim Jong-un won’t bring global diplomacy to its knees, but should feel like a kind of terror attack to any audience with a limited tolerance for anal penetration jokes."
The film has had some bad reviews, so no surprised it's been pulled. This is the least of them. The Interview Film Review Sony Hack James Franco Seth Rogen Star

this one doesn't mince his words lol.
Scott Foundas, Variety
"North Korea can rest easy: America comes off looking at least as bad as the DPRK in “The Interview,” an alleged satire that’s about as funny as a communist food shortage, and just as protracted. For all its pre-release hullabaloo – including two big thumbs down from Sony hackers the Guardians of Peace – this half-baked burlesque about a couple of cable-news bottom-feeders tasked with assassinating Korean dictator Kim Jong-un won’t bring global diplomacy to its knees, but should feel like a kind of terror attack to any audience with a limited tolerance for anal penetration jokes."

Yes, but now that it has been "targeted" and it is thought of by the general public as "Banned" and taken out by "Communist" government everyone wants to see it..... great PR move by SONY actually.....Great way to make up for the losses ($$$) they expected
I think they will 'bravely' bring it out later in the year amongst plaudits for 'defying' the forces of evil lol. although if it puts the US in a bad light as suggested by that review I can't see it being popular in the US!
Whether it's a good film or not, the "Guardians of Peace" threatened physical acts of violence at theaters showing it. Chains representing about half of all screens said they wouldn't show it--that forced Sony's hand. This really, really sucks, but Sony isn't to blame.
How would have Americans and the American Establishment have felt/reacted if the film had been made by the North Koreans and it was the American president they were planning to kill? And a big Japanese company was going to back it's release throughout the world? I assume the threats wouldn't be so clumsy but all the same......?
Well, there have been kill-the-president films made before...The Jackal was kill the First Lady, and it was high-profile (and OK, but the original is excellent); so, it's happened.
Well, there have been kill-the-president films made before...The Jackal was kill the First Lady, and it was high-profile (and OK, but the original is excellent); so, it's happened.

Was the First Lady though named as the incumbent at the time though or a fictional one?
How would have Americans and the American Establishment have felt/reacted if the film had been made by the North Koreans and it was the American president they were planning to kill? And a big Japanese company was going to back it's release throughout the world? I assume the threats wouldn't be so clumsy but all the same......?
I would laugh and not give a ****
In the UK we are just as likely to make a film about bumping off our Prime Minister ourselves. I think we've already made films about bumping off the Queen. I think too it's always going to stir up bad feelings though when you film people of your country planning to assassinate the leader of another country no matter which countries are involved, especially if it's a bad taste comedy full of crude 'jokes' so I can see why North Koreans would be angry, it seems though the Department of Homeland Security rated the threats of violence as extremely unlikely.
It seems too that more than this film was 'hacked' so it could also have been commercial interests that did it rather than the North Koreans though I imagine they'd have been pleased all the same and quite likely to take the 'credit' for it lol. It will be interesting to see what the FBI comes up with when they finish investigating. Perhaps the CIA are behind it.....
It sounds like the U.S. govt. is confirming that N. Korea (hired the people who actually) did it, but it is economic warfare of a sort whether that was the main goal or not.
Personally, I wasn't all that interested in seeing the film before, but I'd go see it now just as a "love off" to the North Koreans.
I do agree that it wasn't real bright to make a film about assassinating a nations leader. It would have been smarter (and wouldn't have affected the plot at all) to invent a country and leader.
True. Although as my son pointed out--if you can't make fun of N. Korea, who can you make fun of? We made real cartoons/comics about Hitler in WW2.
True. Although as my son pointed out--if you can't make fun of N. Korea, who can you make fun of? We made real cartoons/comics about Hitler in WW2.

Very true but people shouldn't be surprised when said leaders get upset though lol.
True. Although as my son pointed out--if you can't make fun of N. Korea, who can you make fun of? We made real cartoons/comics about Hitler in WW2.

Last time I checked, we weren't at war with North Korea... significant difference...
Last time I checked, we weren't at war with North Korea... significant difference...

Isn't there that thing that you are actually at war as no peace agreement has been signed but there is an armistice?