Lightsabers are ********!

I just wondered if anybody would disagree with Master Ken. I didn't think so, but it was remotely possible.
I kept expecting them to have Billy's arm get cut off, but I guess they blew the special effects budget on the flashlights.
I always had the impression that their budget consists of "everybody empty the change out of your pockets"...

Maybe someone can tell us how grappling would be an effective counter to this attack?
Or about how both of them are using incorrect grips?
Here is an example of how good these things really are, and they must be real because they are on YouTube.

Of course we haven't got the new fangled ones with the smart handles yet but the old ones are still pretty effective. If you look carefully you can also see how it ties in with bo and jo kata.
Yes, they are real! I have it on good authority from Santa Claus and some guy who saw Star Trek once that they're real.

Yeah, I just knew you would come up with this :D Mmm, referencing Star Trek with Star Wars!!, oh dear lol