Senior Master
Yeah, I get that. Short answers: (1) the cane has plenty of reach; and, (2) you don't have to hop so much as be ready to pivot (you don't want to go three rounds, just do enough damage to stop them). The good leg is your foundation, maybe the bad one can be 10-15% weight bearing for support, as in a cat stance? (OR maybe not--I've had knee sprains so bad I couldn't even reach the ground with the bad legI don't want to hijack the thread, but I'm hoping you guys might have some thoughts here.
I am not a senior (37), however, I suffer from periodic bouts of severe gout. At these times I have to resort to a cane to help me about.
Now, I've always thought it would be good to get some training in the use of the cane as a self defence weapon. However, I oftne wonder how useful I'd be taking the thing I need for mobility off the ground. I'd literally be hopping on one foot whilst trying to fend off the bad guy.
how does one deal with that?

Oh, and I think we can make you an honorary senior, what with your periodic mobility problems and all.